The Create Order operation creates a new order. The operation is not truly synchronous. The Order Service call is still asynchronous.

For a step-by-step guide to this API, see the following tutorial pages:

URI Summary



URI Template

URI Example

Transaction Type

Unique RequestID Needed for Duplicate Detection?

Non-URI Request Payload

Create order




Create new order.



URI domain name: Radial recommends using the new domain at To connect to production Radial APIs, use the following form of the URL:

You should have received the applicable information for proxyname, storecode, and function from your Radial representative.

Note: The old domain will still be in operation until further notice from Radial. For more information on Radial API URIs, see API Requests and Responses.


Business Rules

To ensure successful processing, adhere to the following business rules when preparing Order Create Request messages.

ClosedOrder ID

Values for PaymentSessionId and webOrderId must match in the following places:

  • Payment > Payments > PaymentContext > CreditCard
    <Order webOrderId="00081o222871496">
  • Payment > Payments > PaymentContext > PayPal
    <Order webOrderId="00081o220875708">

ClosedPayPal Payment

If PayPal is being used to pay for an order, the <PaymentAccountUniqueId> element must be set to PAYPAL , and the isToken attribute must be set to "false":

<PaymentAccountUniqueId isToken="false">PAYPAL</PaymentAccountUniqueId>

ClosedFraud Processing - Required Data

For fraud processing and successful order completion, the following highlighted fields must contain non-empty values:

   <HostName>. . .</HostName>
   <IPAddress>. . .</IPAddress>
   <SessionId>. . .</SessionId>
   <UserAgent>. . .</UserAgent>
   <Connection>. . .</Connection>
   <Cookies>. . .</Cookies>
   <JavascriptData>. . .</JavascriptData>
   <Referrer>. . .</Referrer>
      <ContentTypes>. . .</ContentTypes>
      <Encoding>. . .</Encoding>
      <Language>. . .</Language>
      <CharSet>. . .</CharSet>

ClosedFraud Processing - Suggested Data

For fraud processing, the following highlighted fields should contain non-empty values if the data is available in the HTTP request message that the webstore receives:

   <HostName>. . .</HostName>
   <IPAddress>. . .</IPAddress>
   <SessionId>. . .</SessionId>
   <UserAgent>. . .</UserAgent>
   <Connection>. . .</Connection>
   <Cookies>. . .</Cookies>
   <JavascriptData>. . .</JavascriptData>
   <Referrer>. . .</Referrer>
      <ContentTypes>. . .</ContentTypes>
      <Encoding>. . .</Encoding>
      <Language>. . .</Language>
      <CharSet>. . .</CharSet>

ClosedFraud Processing - PayPal

If PayPal is used to pay for an order, the following highlighted fields must contain non-empty values for fraud processing:

<OrderCreateRequest requestId=". . ." xmlns="">
   <Order customerOrderId=". . ."> 
        . . .  
         . . .  
      <TdlOrderTimestamp>. . .</TdlOrderTimestamp>

Values for the PayPalPayerInfo elements are obtained from the PayPalGetExpressCheckoutReply as follows:

Element Source of Value
PayPalPayerInfo > PayPalPayerID PayPalGetExpressCheckoutReply > PayerId
PayPalPayerInfo > PayPalPayerStatus PayPalGetExpressCheckoutReply > PayerStatus
PayPalPayerInfo > PayPalAddressStatus PayPalGetExpressCheckoutReply > BillingAddress > AddressStatus

ClosedFraud Processing - Virtual Gift Cards

If a virtual gift card (VGC) is used to pay for an order, the following elements must meet special data rules for fraud processing.

Element Requirement
OrderItem > Pricing > Merchandise > TaxData > TaxClass The value must be 61900.
OrderItem > Gifting > GiftCard > Message Valid to and from names must be provided.
Destinations > Email >PersonName The sender's name must be provided.
Shipping > Destinations > Email The reference must match the email implemented in Shipping > ShipGroups > DestinationTarget.
   <OrderItem id="vgc_1" . . .>
      . . .
            . . .
               . . .
            . . .
            . . .
      . . .
               <To>. . .</To>
               <From>. . .</From>
               <Message>. . .</Message>
      <ShipGroup . . .>
        <DestinationTarget ref="email_dest1"/>
          <Item ref="vgc_1"/>
      <MailingAddress id=". . .">
         . . .
      <Email id="email_dest1">
        <EmailAddress>. . .</EmailAddress>
           <LastName>. . .</LastName>
           <FirstName>. . .</FirstName>

Closed Credit Card Authorization

APPROVED and TIMEOUT are the only values supported for the Payment > Payments > CreditCard > Authorization > ResponseCode element. This element is case-sensitive; the value must be delivered in all caps.

Copy this code sample.
   <BillingAddress ref=". . ."/>
            . . .
         <CreateTimeStamp>. . .</CreateTimeStamp>
         <Amount>. . .</Amount>
            <BankAuthorizationCode>. . .</BankAuthorizationCode>
            <CVV2ResponseCode>. . .</CVV2ResponseCode>
            <AVSResponseCode>. . .</AVSResponseCode>
            <AmountAuthorized>. . .</AmountAuthorized>
         <ExpirationDate>. . .</ExpirationDate>

ClosedAmerican Express Authorization

If American Express is used to pay for an order, additional authorization is required. If Payment > Payments > CreditCard > PaymentContext > TenderType equals AM (American Express) and Payment > Payments > CreditCard > Authorization > ResponseCode equals APPROVED, then the following highlighted fields must have values.

Copy this code sample.
   <BillingAddress ref=". . ."/>
            <OrderAppId>. . .</OrderAppId>
            <PaymentSessionId>. . .</PaymentSessionId>
            <PaymentAccountUniqueId isToken="true">. . .</PaymentAccountUniqueId>
         <CreateTimeStamp>. . .</CreateTimeStamp>
            <BankAuthorizationCode>. . .</BankAuthorizationCode>
            <CVV2ResponseCode>. . .</CVV2ResponseCode>
            <AVSResponseCode>. . .</AVSResponseCode>
           <AmountAuthorized>. . .</AmountAuthorized>
         <ExpirationDate>. . .</ExpirationDate>


If tax information is provided in an order, the following highlighted TaxData elements and attributes must have non-empty values. Missing values can cause downstream problems that prevent processing and fulfilling the order. Tax information used in Order Create should match the tax information in the Tax Quote API for the same order.

Copy this code sample.
   <TaxClass>. . .</TaxClass>
      <Tax taxType=". . ." taxability=". . .">
         <Situs>. . .</Situs>
         <Jurisdiction JurisdictionId=". . ." JurisdictionLevel=". . .">. . .</Jurisdiction>
         <Imposition ImpositionType=". . .">. . .</Imposition>
         <EffectiveRate>. . .</EffectiveRate>
         <TaxableAmount>. . .</TaxableAmount>
         <CalculatedTax>. . .</CalculatedTax>


The value of the TaxHeader element depends on whether tax information is provided in an order.

If tax information is not provided in an order, the TaxHeader > Error element must be set to true in the following places:

  • OrderItems > OrderItem > Pricing > Merchandise > TaxData
  • OrderItems > OrderItem > Pricing > Shipping > TaxData

If tax information is provided in an order, the TaxHeader > Error element must be set to false in the following places:

  • OrderItems > OrderItem > Pricing > Merchandise > TaxData
  • OrderItems > OrderItem > Pricing > Shipping > TaxData

A value of true would cause OMS to recalculate tax duty and fee charges that were already provided.

Copy this code sample.
   <TaxClass>. . .</TaxClass>
      <Tax taxType=". . ." taxability=". . .">
         <Situs>. . .</Situs>
         <Jurisdiction JurisdictionId=". . ." JurisdictionLevel=". . .">. . .</Jurisdiction>
         <Imposition ImpositionType=". . .">. . .</Imposition>
         <EffectiveRate>. . .</EffectiveRate>
         <TaxableAmount>. . .</TaxableAmount>
         <CalculatedTax>. . .</CalculatedTax>


ClosedTenderType Values

The following TenderType elements can only use valid values that are supported by the Payment API.

  • Payment > Payments > CreditCard > PaymentContext > TenderType

       <BillingAddress ref=". . ."/>
                <OrderAppId>. . .</OrderAppId>
                <PaymentSessionId>. . .</PaymentSessionId>
                <PaymentAccountUniqueId isToken="true">. . .</PaymentAccountUniqueId>
             <CreateTimeStamp>. . .</CreateTimeStamp>
                . . .
  • Payment > Payments > PayPal > PaymentContext > TenderType

       <BillingAddress ref=". . ."/>
             <Amount>. . .</Amount>
             <AmountAuthorized>. . .</AmountAuthorized>
                <OrderAppId>. . .</OrderAppId>
                <PaymentSessionId>. . .</PaymentSessionId>
                <PaymentAccountUniqueId isToken="false">PAYPAL</PaymentAccountUniqueId>
             <CreateTimeStamp>. . .</CreateTimeStamp>
                <ResponseCode>. . .</ResponseCode>

The following are examples of supported values.

Tender Type Description
VC Visa
MC MasterCard
OGC Online gift card
SM Maestro UK
SO Solo UK
BH Blackhawk gift card (provider specific)
SP SVS gift card (provider specific)
PY PayPal
BL Bill me later
BR Prepaid

ClosedPayment Amount

The sum of all amounts in an order (such as merchandise, shipping, and promotional discount amounts) must be calculated and confirmed to match the amount supplied in the payment information.

   <OrderItem id=". . ." webLineId="1">
      <ItemId>. . .</ItemId>
      . . .
                  <Id>. . .</Id>
                  . . .
                  <Id>. . .</Id>
                  . . .
               <TaxClass>. . .</TaxClass>
                  <Tax taxType=". . ." taxability=". . .">
                     . . .
                  <Tax taxType=". . ." taxability=". . .">
                     . . .
                  <Tax taxType=". . .">
                     . . .
                  <Tax taxType=". . .">
                     . . .
      . . .
. . .
   <BillingAddress ref=". . ."/>
            . . .
         <CreateTimeStamp>. . .</CreateTimeStamp>
            . . .
         <ExpirationDate>. . .</ExpirationDate>

ClosedPromotion Requirements

The following rules apply for PromotionalDiscounts > Discount > Id:

  • This element is mandatory.
  • The value cannot contain special characters (such as $). Special characters cause errors when the order is processed.
  • The value cannot exceed 40 characters due to database restrictions in OMS (YFS_CHARGE_LINE).
  • The value must be unique for each OrderItems > OrderItem. If a value is duplicated for an OrderItem, order processing fails because of a unique constraint violation.

The PromotionalDiscounts > Discount > EffectType element must have one of the following supported values:

  • Product Discount
  • Shipping Discount
  • ShippingTargetPriceDiscount
  • FreeGiftDiscount
  • Item Discount
  • OrderValueOffDiscount
  • OrderPercentageOffDiscount
  • Order Discount
  • ShippingPercentageOffDiscount
  • ItemValueOffDiscount
  • ItemTargetPriceDiscount
  • ItemPercentageOffDiscount
  • ShippingValueOffDiscount
  • HiddenGiftDiscount
   <OrderItem id="item_1" . . .>
      . . .
            . . .
                        . . .
            . . .
         . . .
      . . .


ClosedNew order with standard shipping

OrderCreateRequest receives OrderCreateResponse.

Request XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="" 
orderType="##ORDER_TYPE##" requestId="##REQUEST_ID##"  > 
   <Order levelOfService="##LEVEL_OF_SERVICE##" customerOrderId="##ORDER_ID##">   
      <Customer customerId="##CUSTOMER_ID_PREFIX##1234056789">
            . . .
         <OrderItem id="item_1" webLineId="1">
            . . .
         . . .   
         . . .
      . . .
      . . .

Response XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateResponse xmlns="">

ClosedNew order with multiple ISPU items with proxy pickup

OrderCreateRequest receives OrderCreateResponse.

Request XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns = "" requestId = "554432"> 
   <Order customerOrderId = "00026ISPU1049">
      <Customer customerId = "nullISPUORDER">
            . . .
         . . .
         <OrderItem id = "item_1" webLineId = "1" taxAndDutyDisplay = "INDIVIDUAL">
            . . .
                  <StoreName>Test Store</StoreName>
                     . . .
                  . . . 
            . . .                        
         <OrderItem id = "item_2" webLineId = "2" taxAndDutyDisplay = "INDIVIDUAL">
            . . .
                  <StoreName>Test Store</StoreName>
                     . . .
                  . . .
            . . .
            <ShipGroup id = "shipgroup_1" chargeType = "FLAT">
               <DestinationTarget ref = "dest_2"/>
                  <Item ref = "item_1"/>
            <ShipGroup id = "shipgroup_2" chargeType = "FLAT">
               <DestinationTarget ref = "dest_3"/>
                  <Item ref = "item_2"/>
            <MailingAddress id = "dest_1">
               . . .
            <StoreLocation id = "dest_2">
               <StoreName>Test Store</StoreName>
                  . . .
            <StoreLocation id = "dest_3">
               <StoreName>Test Store</StoreName>
                  . . .
         . . .
      . . .
   . . .

Response XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateResponse xmlns="">  

ClosedNew order with multiple STS items with proxy pickup

OrderCreateRequest receives OrderCreateResponse.

Request XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns = "" requestId = "554432">
   <Order customerOrderId = "00026STS5023">
      <Customer customerId = "nullSTSORDER">
            . . .
         . . .
         <OrderItem id = "item_1" webLineId = "1" taxAndDutyDisplay = "INDIVIDUAL">
            . . .               
                  <StoreName>Test Store</StoreName>
                     . . .
                  . . .
            . . .               
         <OrderItem id = "item_2" webLineId = "2" taxAndDutyDisplay = "INDIVIDUAL">
            . . .
                  <StoreName>Test Store</StoreName>
                     . . .
                  . . .
            . . .               
            <ShipGroup id = "shipgroup_1" chargeType = "FLAT">
               <DestinationTarget ref = "dest_2"/>
                 <Item ref = "item_1"/>
            <ShipGroup id = "shipgroup_2" chargeType = "FLAT">
               <DestinationTarget ref = "dest_3"/>
                  <Item ref = "item_2"/>
            <MailingAddress id = "dest_1">
               . . .
            <StoreLocation id = "dest_2">
               <StoreName>Test Store</StoreName>
                  . . .
            <StoreLocation id = "dest_3">
               <StoreName>Test Store</StoreName>
                  . . .
      . . .
      . . .
      . . .

Response XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateResponse xmlns="">

ClosedNew order with one ISPU reservation item

OrderCreateRequest receives an OrderCreateResponse.

Request XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns = "" requestId = "554432">
   <Order customerOrderId = "00026ISPURES1035">
      <Customer customerId = "nullRESORDER">
            . . .
         . . .
         <OrderItem id = "item_1" webLineId = "1" taxAndDutyDisplay = "INDIVIDUAL">
            . . .
                  <StoreName>Test Store</StoreName>
                     . . .
            . . .        
            <ShipGroup id = "shipgroup_1" chargeType = "FLAT">
               <DestinationTarget ref = "dest_2"/>
                  <Item ref = "item_1"/>
            <MailingAddress id = "dest_1">
               . . .
            <StoreLocation id = "dest_2">
               <StoreName>Test Store</StoreName>
                  . . .
         <BillingAddress ref = "dest_1"/>
      . . .
   . . .

Response XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateResponse xmlns="">

ClosedNew order eligible for Associate Delivery

The IsAssociateDeliveryEligible element indicates whether an item can be delivered by a store associate. The applicable values are true and false.

Request XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="" orderType="SALES">
    <Order webOrderId="0002685852538153" levelOfService="REGULAR">
        <SourceId type="STORE">TMSUS</SourceId>
        <Customer customerId="null0889413722">
            <OrderItem id="item_2" webLineId="2">
                    <Description>Red Floral Dress</Description>
                    <Color id="700">Brown</Color>
                    <Size id="6-M">6-M</Size>
                                <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="TAXABLE">
                                    <Jurisdiction JurisdictionId="24354" JurisdictionLevel="STATE">NEW YORK</Jurisdiction>
                                    <Imposition ImpositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Compensating Use Tax</Imposition>
                                <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="TAXABLE">
                                    <Jurisdiction JurisdictionId="25353" JurisdictionLevel="CITY">NEW YORK</Jurisdiction>
                                    <Imposition ImpositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Local Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                                <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="TAXABLE">
                                    <Jurisdiction JurisdictionId="79774" JurisdictionLevel="DISTRICT">METROPOLITAN COMMUTER 
                                    <Imposition ImpositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Metropolitan Commuter 
Transportation District</Imposition>
                <ShippingMethod displayText="Store Pickup">ISPU</ShippingMethod>
                        <StoreName>PITTSBURGH-SOUTHSIDE SC</StoreName>
                            <Line1>SOUTHSIDE SHOPPING CTR</Line1>
                            <Line2>2000 WHARTON ST  STE A</Line2>
                    <Template>custom template</Template>
                <VendorName>Broad Street's vendor</VendorName>
                <ShipGroup chargeType="WEIGHTBASED" id="shipgroup_1">
                    <DestinationTarget ref="address_0065"/>
                        <Item ref="item_1"/>
                        <Item ref="item_2"/>
                <MailingAddress id="billing_1">
                        <Line1>801 Hat Trick Avenue</Line1>
                <StoreLocation id="address_0065">
                    <StoreName>PITTSBURGH-SOUTHSIDE SC</StoreName>
                        <Line1>SOUTHSIDE SHOPPING CTR</Line1>
                        <Line2>2000 WHARTON ST  STE A</Line2>
            <BillingAddress ref="billing_1"/>
                        <PaymentAccountUniqueId isToken="true">411111vjOiXS1111</PaymentAccountUniqueId>
            <UserAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.56 Safari/535.11</UserAgent>
            <Cookies>s_nr=1328113718440; certona_tracking_parameter=l0.sFfEdofcAAAE1W1R.LV4r; BrowserID_TMSEU-TMSDE-Site=J0.sFfEd6_gAAAE1Zf0HiWj7; BrowserIDCreationTime=1328906239333; cc-cFmsFfEdGpMAAAE1iBNzYkwY=zYWsFfEdtgEAAAE14RAHiWj8; s_rdcvpc=%5B%5B''%2C'1329321571382'%5D%5D; sid=vtP0bAUqN7j0bEpuSrHnnBCG40gigFixaD-p99PG; pgid-TMSEU-TMSDE-Site=CQVYEt.CH5dSRpcGb9CmasMe0000zLzZeRBA; cc-fYqsFfEd2t8AAAE1oShFf42l=z6esFfEd2pEAAAE10k00oaVb; WA_ReferrerSource=-; s_cc=true; __utma=172174241.570529138.1328906240.1328906240.1329919076.2; __utmb=172174241.7.10.1329919076; __utmc=172174241; __utmz=172174241.1328906240.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); s_previousPageName=Checkout%3A%20Review%20and%20Submit%20Order; s_sq=gsictmsdedev%3D%2526pid%253DCheckout%25253A%252520Review%252520and%252520Submit%252520Order%2526pidt%253D1%2526oid%253DSubmit%252520Order%2526oidt%253D3%2526ot%253DSUBMIT</Cookies>
                <Value>Sir Digsby Chicken Caesar</Value>
                <Value>Hello, how are you</Value>

ClosedNew subscription order

A subscription item's OrderItem element includes an subscriptionRef attribute. The subscriptionRef value ties the item to a subscription element (in this example fixedSubscription1) that defines the details of the subscription.

Request XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="" requestId="554432">
   <Order customerOrderId="00040string" levelOfService="REGULAR">
      <Customer customerId="00001string">
         <OrderItem id="item_1" webLineId="201" isHiddenGift="false" 
         taxAndDutyDisplay="string" isSubscribable="true" 
               <Description>Essentials Short Sleeve Tee</Description>
               <Color id="red">Red</Color>
               <Size id="10">10</Size>
            . . .
            <ShipGroup id="shipgroup_1" chargeType="FLAT">
               <DestinationTarget ref="dest_1"/>
                  <Item ref="item_1"/>
                        <To>Gifttag To</To>
                        <From>Gifttag From</From>
                        <Message>Gifttag Message</Message>
                        <To>Packslip To</To>
                        <From>Packslip From</From>
                        <Message>Packslip Message</Message>
            <MailingAddress id="dest_1">
                  <Line1>333 Maple Drive</Line1>
                  <Line2>New No. 4</Line2>
                  <Line3>Old No. 33</Line3>
                  <Line4>Park Apartments</Line4>
                  <City>Elkins Park</City>

         <BillingAddress ref="dest_1"/>
                  <PaymentAccountUniqueId isToken="true">4111094781641111</PaymentAccountUniqueId>
                     <ResponseCodeDescription>Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit</ResponseCodeDescription>

         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
         <FixedSubscription id="fixedSubscription1">
            <Interval type="WEEKLY">3</Interval>
         <UserAgent>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET
         CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
            <ContentTypes>image/jpeg, application/x-ms-application, image/gif, application/xaml+xml, image/pjpeg,
            application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/, application/msword,
            <Encoding>gzip, deflate</Encoding>

Closed New order using Apple Pay

In this example, the tender type is credit card; a custom attribute specifies Apple Pay as the wallet type.

Request XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="" orderType="SALES" requestId="00474143956042">
   <Order customerOrderId="005130802628055 ">
      <Customer customerId="0052346789">
            <MiddleName />
         <OrderItem id="item_1" webLineId="1">
               <Description>Shea Butter</Description>
               <Color id="9999">Hand Cream</Color>
               <Size id="9999">8 oz / 226 g</Size>
                        <Description>Mix &amp; Match: Buy 3, Get 1 Free</Description>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="28101" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">OHIO</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="28565" jurisdictionLevel="COUNTY">FRANKLIN</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Local Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="78115" jurisdictionLevel="DISTRICT">CENTRAL OHIO TRANSIT AUTHORITY</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Local Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="28101" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">OHIO</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="28565" jurisdictionLevel="COUNTY">FRANKLIN</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Local Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="78115" jurisdictionLevel="DISTRICT">CENTRAL OHIO TRANSIT AUTHORITY</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Local Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
            <ShippingMethod displayText="Standard">ANY_STD</ShippingMethod>
         <OrderItem id="item_2" webLineId="2">
               <Description>Hand Savior</Description>
               <Color id="9999">Hand Cream</Color>
               <Size id="9999">8 oz / 226 g</Size>
                        <Description>Mix &amp; Match: Buy 3, Get 1 Free</Description>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="28101" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">OHIO</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="28565" jurisdictionLevel="COUNTY">FRANKLIN</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Local Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="78115" jurisdictionLevel="DISTRICT">CENTRAL OHIO TRANSIT AUTHORITY</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Local Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="28101" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">OHIO</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="28565" jurisdictionLevel="COUNTY">FRANKLIN</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Local Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SALES" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="78115" jurisdictionLevel="DISTRICT">CENTRAL OHIO TRANSIT AUTHORITY</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Local Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
            <ShippingMethod displayText="Standard">ANY_STD</ShippingMethod>
            <ShipGroup chargeType="FLAT" id="shipgroup_1">
               <DestinationTarget ref="ship_address_home_1" />
                  <Item ref="item_1" />
                  <Item ref="item_2" />
            <MailingAddress id="ship_address_home_1">
                  <Line1>935 First Avenue</Line1>
                  <City>King of Prussia</City>
            <MailingAddress id="billing_address_1">
                  <Line1>935 First Avenue</Line1>
                  <City>King of Prussia</City>
         <BillingAddress ref="billing_address_1" />
                  <PaymentAccountUniqueId isToken="true">4444444RGKv44444</PaymentAccountUniqueId>
         <UserAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) (BathAndBodyWorks; iOS; 4.6.0)</UserAgent>


Response XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateResponse xmlns="">
   <ResponseDescription>CustomerOrderId = 005130802628055 , OrderUUID = d948ccec-31a1-4182-85d4-8da844487068</ResponseDescription>

ClosedNew order with items to be shipped together

If there are items in an order that must be shipped together, you can define a relationship in the OrderCreate request. If there is an issue with any item in the relationship during allocation, the other items are canceled or backordered.

Request XML

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="" orderType="SALES" requestId="e01374dd-d213-4176-ab07-a480ddbe8973" sessionId="e01374dd-d213-4176-ab07-a480ddbe8973" testType="">
   <Order customerOrderId="0002687846074888" levelOfService="REGULAR">
      <Customer customerId="null7792082245">
         <OrderItem id="item_1" webLineId="1">
               <Description>Black Tennis Shoes</Description>
               <Color id="700">Brown</Color>
               <Size id="6-M">6-M</Size>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31152" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="NONTAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31152" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
               <Template>custom template</Template>
         <OrderItem id="item_2" webLineId="2">
               <Description>Black Tennis Shoes</Description>
               <Color id="700">Brown</Color>
               <Size id="6-M">6-M</Size>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31152" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="NONTAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31152" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
               <Template>custom template</Template>
         <OrderItem id="item_3" webLineId="3">
               <Description>Black Tennis Shoes</Description>
               <Color id="700">Brown</Color>
               <Size id="6-M">6-M</Size>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31152" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="NONTAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31152" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
               <Template>custom template</Template>
         <OrderItem id="item_4" webLineId="4">
               <Description>Black Tennis Shoes</Description>
               <Color id="700">Brown</Color>
               <Size id="6-M">6-M</Size>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31154" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="NONTAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31154" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
               <Template>custom template</Template>
         <OrderItem id="item_5" webLineId="5">
               <Description>Black Tennis Shoes</Description>
               <Color id="700">Brown</Color>
               <Size id="6-M">6-M</Size>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31152" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="NONTAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31152" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
               <Template>custom template</Template>
         <OrderItem id="item_6" webLineId="6">
               <Description>Black Tennis Shoes</Description>
               <Color id="700">Brown</Color>
               <Size id="6-M">6-M</Size>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="TAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31152" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
                        <Tax taxType="SELLER_USE" taxability="NONTAXABLE">
                           <Jurisdiction jurisdictionId="31152" jurisdictionLevel="STATE">PENNSYLVANIA</Jurisdiction>
                           <Imposition impositionType="General Sales and Use Tax">Sales and Use Tax</Imposition>
               <Template>custom template</Template>
            <ShipGroup chargeType="FLATRATE" id="shipgroup_1">
               <DestinationTarget ref="address_1" />
                  <Item ref="item_1" />
                  <Item ref="item_2" />
                  <Item ref="item_3" />
                  <Item ref="item_4" />
                  <Item ref="item_5" />
                  <Item ref="item_6" />
            <MailingAddress id="address_1">
                  <Line1>630 Allendale Road</Line1>
                  <City>King of Prussia</City>
         <BillingAddress ref="address_1" />
            <PrepaidCreditCard type="PR">
         <Relationship parent="item_1">
               <Item ref="item_2" />
            <Name>Makeup Kit1</Name>
         <Relationship parent="item_3">
               <Item ref="item_4" />
               <Item ref="item_5" />
            <Name>Makeup Kit2</Name>
         <UserAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.56 Safari/535.11</UserAgent>
         <Cookies>s_nr=1328113718440; certona_tracking_parameter=l0.sFfEdofcAAAE1W1R.LV4r; BrowserID_TMSEU-TMSDE-Site=J0.sFfEd6_gAAAE1Zf0HiWj7; BrowserIDCreationTime=1328906239333; cc-cFmsFfEdGpMAAAE1iBNzYkwY=zYWsFfEdtgEAAAE14RAHiWj8; s_rdcvpc=%5B%5B''%2C'1329321571382'%5D%5D; sid=vtP0bAUqN7j0bEpuSrHnnBCG40gigFixaD-p99PG; pgid-TMSEU-TMSDE-Site=CQVYEt.CH5dSRpcGb9CmasMe0000zLzZeRBA; cc-fYqsFfEd2t8AAAE1oShFf42l=z6esFfEd2pEAAAE10k00oaVb; WA_ReferrerSource=-; s_cc=true; __utma=172174241.570529138.1328906240.1328906240.1329919076.2; __utmb=172174241.7.10.1329919076; __utmc=172174241; __utmz=172174241.1328906240.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); s_previousPageName=Checkout%3A%20Review%20and%20Submit%20Order; s_sq=gsictmsdedev%3D%2526pid%253DCheckout%25253A%252520Review%252520and%252520Submit%252520Order%2526pidt%253D1%2526oid%253DSubmit%252520Order%2526oidt%253D3%2526ot%253DSUBMIT</Cookies>


The ROM UI displays the results. In this example, the following screens in the ROM user interface show the order and the canceled items.

Client Validation Errors

Client validation errors occur when the Order Create request contains bad data. These errors are http 400 Bad Request errors. The following tables describes the possible errors.

Error Description XML Sample
XML Schema Validation

ROM validates all requests against the XML schema. If any XSD validation fails, a validation error occurs.

Missing First and Last Name

If both a first and last name are empty or missing on the mailing adddress in the destination section of the request, a validation error occurs. Either a first name or last name must be present.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Fault xmlns="">
     <Description>both firstName and lastName are empty for the address with id=dest_1</Description>
Discount Amount Greater than Charged Amount

For any given charge on a request, if the total discount amount of that charge is greater than the actual charge amount, a validation error occurs. This validation is applied to all the charges at both the header level and line level.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Fault xmlns="">
     <Description>discount amount is more than charge amount || webLineId=1 , 
        chargeName=Shipping chargeAmount=2.97 TotalDiscountAmount=3.96</Description>
Duplicate Payment Tender

Unique payments are expected in the payments section of the request. If the incoming request has duplicate payment entries in payments sections, a validation error occurs. This validation is applied to all tenders, including credit card, stored value card, prepaid card, prepaid COD, and PayPal.

Credit Card

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Fault xmlns="">
     <Description>duplicate payments=[123456|CC|CREDIT_CARD] present in the request</Description>

Stored Value Card

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Fault xmlns="">
     <Description>duplicate payments=[810002R7rSS5105|GS|STORED_VALUE_CARD] present in the request</Description>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Fault xmlns="">
     <Description>duplicate payments=[PR|PREPAID_CARD] present in the request</Description>

Prepaid COD

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Fault xmlns="">
     <Description>duplicate payments=[COD|PREPAID_COD] present in the request</Description>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Fault xmlns="">
     <Description>duplicate payments=[****-****-****-YPAL|PY|PAYPAL] present in the request</Description>
Duplicate WebLineId

A unique WebLineId is expected for each line item in the request. If the incoming request has multiple lines with the same WebLineIds, a validation error occurs.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Fault xmlns="">
     <Description>There are lines with duplicate webline number in order</Description>
Order Prefix Validation If a seller has a prefix value configured for the customerOrderId and CustomerId, then the incoming request's customerOrderId and CustomerId values must contain that configured prefix value. If a prefix is configured and the request customerOrderId or CustomerId values do not contain that prefix, a validation error occurs.  

Order Rejected Validations

The following table describes the errors that occur when ROM rejects an order because it has insufficient data to process the order. All the errors, along with input requests, are sent to the error-reprocessor and are stored in its database.

Error Description XML Sample
Customer OrderId Validation

If an order already exists in ROM, the incoming order is not saved.

"errorPayload": "Duplicate customerOrderId [00026458871422235Test2]",
"code" : "ValidationException",
"description" : "Duplicate customerOrderId [00026458871422235Test2]",
"type" : "VALIDATION"                
Item Validation

If any of the line items in the order request is not present or not active in ROM, the order is rejected.

"errorPayload" : "Missing item 21-ritOCS001all for seller [TMSUS]",
"Code" : "ValidationException",
"desription" : "Missing item 21-ritOCS001all for seller [TMSUS]",
"type" : VALIDATION"
Ship Method Validation

If any of the line items ship method in the order request is not present in ROM, the order is rejected.

"errorPayload" : "Invalid shipping method [ANY_STD1] for lineNo [1]",
"Code" : "ValidationException",
"desription" : "Invalid shipping method [ANY_STD1] for lineNo [1]",
"type" : VALIDATION"
SellerId Validation

If a given seller ID is not active in ROM, the order is rejected.


Payment Validation

If TenderType or PaymentType are not configured for a given seller, the order is rejected.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Fault xmlns="">
     <Description>Invalid payment type or tender type</Description>