Using the Fraud integration, you can protect your webstore and order management system from unauthorized users and identity thieves, and ensure that authorized users are not mistakenly identified as fraudsters.

Radial offers several Fraud integrations:

  • Radial Payments, Tax & Fraud, our full-service solution, handles every aspect of payments, taxes, and fraud for you, while also guaranteeing that you will never pay a penny for a fraudulent charge.
  • Radial Fraud Zero delivers the same full-service fraud management capabilities and zero fraud liability guarantee as Radial Payments, Tax & Fraud, with the added flexibility of integrating with your existing payments processor. You get industry-leading fraud protection and higher conversions while protecting your technology investment.
  • Fraud Insight supplements your existing eCommerce fraud solution to deliver real-time high, medium, or low risk ratings for orders, using the same consortium data and customer insights utilized by our full-service solutions.

Here's how it works.

Step 1: Take an order from a shopper; send Radial a Risk Assessment request.

Step 2: Radial sends back the Risk Assessment response.

Step 3: After you've shipped be sure to let us know so we can track the order and cover you if it's fradulent.

The integration is accomplished through calls to Radial's REST APIs. In addition to the REST APIs, the integration includes some asynchronous APIs that use an event bridge architecture. See the Fraud Setup Guide to get started.