To manage reason codes:

  1. Click or tap the icon in the upper-left corner. The Main Menu appears.
  2. Click or tap Omni Administration. The Omni Administration submenu appears.
  3. Click or tap Reason Codes. The Manage Reasons screen appears.

    This screen lists the reason codes for Returns and for Order Modify. From this screen you can:

    • Edit a reason code.
    • Delete a reason code.
    • Add a reason code.

Delete a Reason Code

To delete a reason code:

  1. Click or tap the icon of the reason code you want to delete. The system prompts you to confirm the deletion.
  2. To continue with the deletion, click or tap Confirm; otherwise, click or tap Cancel.

Edit a Reason Code

To edit the description of a reason code:

  1. Click or tap the icon of the reason code you want to edit. The Edit Reason screen appears.

  2. Change the Description.
  3. To save your changes, click or tap the Save button.

Add a New Reason

To add a new reason:

  1. Click or tap the Add New Message button on the Messages screen. The Add Reason screen appears.

  2. Enter a Name.
  3. Select a reason code Type from the dropdown.
  4. Enter a Description.
  5. To save the reason, click or tap the Save button. The Manage Reasons screen appears with the new reason listed.