Prepare Order for Customer Pickup (In-Store Pickup/Ship-to Store)
When a customer picks up an order in store, you must confirm that:
- The customer has received the order.
- The customer has inspected the order for quality and completeness.
- If the customer rejects part of the order, the rejected items must be put away.
Here's how to do this in Radial Order Management. Let's assume that a customer has come into the store to pick up an order and you have retrieved it for the customer to inspect.
- From the Dashboard, click or tap the Customer Pickup tile.
Depending on your role, either the Queues screen or the Waiting to Pick screen appears.
If you have permission to access multiple fulfillment nodes, you see the Queues screen. It displays the orders, items, and quantities for all the nodes that you have access to. From this screen, you can view the orders to waiting for customer pickup at each node.
To see the orders that are waiting for customer pickup, click the
icon for the queue that want to see. The Ready for Pickup screen appears.
If you have access to only one node, the Ready for Pickup screen appears automatically.
To narrow the results, you can search for a specific order or group of orders.
Read more about this.
- Fulfillment Order Number: The number assigned during the scheduling process.
- Order Number: The number assigned by the OMS when the order is placed.
- Order Date: When the order was placed.
- Pickup Person: The person who is picking up the order at the store.
- Quantity: The total number of items in the order. For example, there may be three items, but two units for each item; therefore, the quantity is six.
- Staging Location: Where the order is stored until the customer picks it up.
- Pickup SLA: The amount of time remaining before the customer can pick up the order. This time corresponds to the Service Level Agreement for the store. Teal indicates that there is plenty of time left, yellow indicates that there is only a short time left, and red indicates that time has run out.
- Actions:
Complete the customer pickup.
View the fulfillment order details -- you cannot edit the order.
- To complete the pickup, click or tap the
icon. The Order Pickup Details screen appears. The quantity of each item in the order displays beneath the item description.
Depending on the system configuration, you may have to scan or enter each item in the order to confirm the pickup. In this case, the ordered quantity for each item appears in the Ordered field, while the Pickup Quantity field shows 0.
As you scan or enter each item in the order, the quantity appears in the Pickup Quantity field.
If the customer rejects one or more items, adjust the number in the Pickup Qty field to reflect the number of accepted items. The Declined field automatically updates and the Decline Reason field appears. Select a reason from the dropdown. When you've gone through all of the items in the order, click or tap Complete Pickup.
On the other hand, your configuration may prefill the Pickup Quantity of the items.
In this case, you do not need to scan the items. If the customer rejects one or more items, adjust the number in the Pickup Qty field to reflect the number of accepted items. The Declined field automatically updates and the Decline Reason field appears. Select a reason from the dropdown. If the customer accepts the entire order, click or tap complete Pickup. The Customer Receipt Print screen appears.
Print the receipt for the customer.