Print Template Attributes
The following tables list the attributes you can use when customizing your print templates, including:
Following each is an example in JSON of using the attributes to build a print template.
Pack Slip
Data | JSON Field Name | Description |
Packslip ID | packSlipId | Pack Slip Identifier |
Seller![]() | storeId | Seller Code; for example, TMSUS |
Node ID![]() | nodeId | Fulfillment Node![]() |
Order Source | orderSource | Identifies where the order was originated; for example, US_MPCAEBAY |
HFR Eligible | hfrEligible | Identifies whether a fulfillment order/shipment is eligible for Hassle Free Return |
Fulfillment Order![]() | fulfillmentOrderId | Fulfillment Order/Shipment General Information |
Fulfillment Order ID | fulfillmentOrderId | Fulfillment Order Number |
WebOrder ID | webOrderId | Webstore Order Number |
OMS Order ID | omsOrderId | OMS Order Number |
External Order Number | ExternalOrderNumber | Marketplace/Retail Connection Order Number; for example, Amazon, eBay, and so on |
External Order Number2 | ExternalOrderNumber2 | Secondary External Order Number |
Customer ID | customerId | Customer ID assigned by the system that is taking the order (for example, 123456789- alphanumeric) |
Fulfillment Type | fulfillmentType | Fulfillment Type (for example,
SHIP_TO_STORE![]() ![]() ![]() |
Currency | Currency | Type of Currency used for the order (for example, "USD") |
Carrier | carrier | Carrier SCAC ; for example, ANY |
Service Level | service | Carrier Service Code; for example, 2DAY |
Fulfillment Order Date | fulfillmentOrderDate | Fulfillment Order Create Date |
Order Date | orderDate | Weborder/Marketplaceorder/Retail Connection order create date |
Status | status | Fulfillment order status |
Packages | packages | |
Package ID | packageId | Package ID |
Package Items | packageItems | Items included in the package. For each item: |
webline ID | webLineId | Weborder/Marketplaceorder/Retail Connection order Line ID |
Item ID | itemId | Radial Item ID |
Quantity | quantity | Item Packed Quantity |
Package Height | height | Package Height |
Unit of Measure | unit | Height Unit of Measure; for example, cm |
Value | value | Height Value |
Package Width | width | Package Width |
Unit of Measure | unit | Width Unit of Measure; for example, cm |
Value | value | Width Value |
Package Length | length | Package Length |
Unit of Measure | unit | Length Unit of Measure; for example, cm |
Value | value | Length Value |
Package Weight | weight | Package Total Weight(includes items weight, package weight and paking material weight) |
Unit of Measure | unit | Weight Unit of Measure; for example, LBS |
Value | value | Weight Value |
Fulfillment Order Items | fulfillmentOrderItems | Items included in the fulfillment order. Provides details for each item included in the fulfillment order |
ID | id | Line Item ID |
webline ID | webLineId | Weborder Line ID |
Is Customized | isCustomized | Identifies if an item is customized |
Item Details: | itemDetails | Item detail information |
Item ID | itemId | Radial Item ID: Catalog ID + Client Item ID; for example, "21-MB01-NA" |
Item Description | itemDesc | Item Description |
Color | color | Color Description |
Color Code | colorCode | Color Code |
Size | size | Size Description |
Size Code | sizeCode | Size Code |
Style | style | Style ID |
Item Hierarchy | productLine | Item hierarchy: DepartmentNumber.SubDepartmentNumber.ClassNumber.SubclassNumber |
Item Type![]() | itemType | Item Type; for example, regulat merchandise, gift wrap, etc. |
Item Weight | weight | Item weight |
Unit of Measure | unit | Weight Unit of Measure; for example, LBS |
Value | value | Weight Value |
UPCS | upcs | UPCs |
UPC Type | type | UPC Type; for example, UPC-G |
UPC Number | value | UPC Number |
Barcode | barcode | UPC barcode |
All Item Master Extended and Custom Attributes | additionalAttributes | All Item Master Extended and Custom Attributes that are used by a client; for example, FreightClass, PackageType, HFR_ELIGIBLE, etc. (Print Document API - "additionalAttributes") |
Attribute Name | name | Custom attribute name; for example, FreightClass |
Attribute Value | value | Custom attribute value; for example, ANYG |
All Order Line Item Custom Attribute | customAttributes | All Order Line Item Attributes that are used by a client; for example, variation attributes such as color and size. (Print Document API - "custom Attributes") |
Attribute Name | key | Attribute name |
Attribute Value | value | Attribute value |
Ordered Quantity | orderedQuantity | Ordered Quantity |
Item Total: | itemTotal | Toal price of an order line item |
Unit Price | unitPrice | Item Unit Price |
Extented Price | extendedPrice | Item Total Price befoe discount (Print Document API: "extendedPrice in itemTotal) |
Charges | charges | Line Item Charges total amount (this amoount includes discounts, shippingand any other charges listed as chargeGroups in the API |
Tax | tax | Total Tax Amount for the line item |
Item Total After Discount | totalAmountAfterDiscount | Item Total Price after discount (Print Document API: "totalAmountAfterDiscount" in itemTotal) |
List of all line item charges | chargeGroups | A list of all order charges; for example, "MerchandiseDiscount", "Shipping", etc. (Print Document API: "chargeGroups"). |
Name | name | Charge Group Name, e.g MerchandiseDiscount |
Total Amount | totalAmount | Charge Group Total |
Referenced Charges | referencedCharges | Charges that are referenced in the charge group |
Name | name | Reference ID; for example, Promotion ID |
Unit Price | unitPrice | A charge amount per single item. If a charge is unit-based, then a unit price will be provided |
Line Price | linePrice | A charge amount per order line. If a charge is line-based, then a line price will be provided |
Charge Amount | amount | Total Charge Amount |
Instructions | instructions | Various Item related Instructions such as Gift Message, packing instructions,etc. |
Type | type | Instruction type; for example, Gift |
Text | text | Instruction text; for example, "Happy Birthday!" |
Hazmat Inticator | hazmatIndicator | Indicates if an items is considered hazardous material |
Destinations | destinations | Fulfillment Order Address information |
Destination ID | destinationId | A unique destination id within an order; for example, billing_1, shipping_1 |
Destination Type | destinationType | Destination type; for example, MAILING_ADDRESS, SHIPPING_ADDRESS |
Person Name | personName | Customer or Ship-to Person name |
First Name | firstName | Customer / Ship-to Person First Name |
Last Name | lastName | Customer / Ship-to Person Last Name |
Phone Number | phone | Customer Phone Number |
Customer / Ship-to Person Email Address | ||
Address | address | |
Address Line1 | line1 | Address Line 1 |
Address Line 2 | line2 | Address Line 2 |
Address Line 3 | line3 | Address Line 3 |
Address Line 4 | line4 | Address Line 4 |
City | city | City |
State / Province | mainDivisionCode | State / Province |
Postal Code | postalCode | Postal code |
Country Code | countryCode | ISO Country Code |
Billing Address | billToAddress | Billing address |
Destination ID | destinationId | Billing address Destination ID |
Shipping Address | shippingAddress | Ship to address |
Destination ID | destinationId | Shipping address Destination ID |
Order Total | orderTotal | Order Totals |
Grand Total | grandTotal | Fulfillment Order Total Amount |
Merchandise Total | lineSubTotal | Merchandise Subtotal (before discount) |
Total Tax Amount | grandTax | Total Tax Amount |
Total Charges | grandCharges | Charges grand total |
Header Tax | hdrTax | Header Tax Amount |
Header Charges | hdrCharges | Header level charges |
Cash on Delivery | cashOnDelivery | Cash on Delivery Amount when applicable |
Currency | currency | Type of Currency used for the order (e.g. "USD") |
Shipping and Handling Totals | shippingAndHandlingTotals | Shipping and Handling Totals will list vaious charges included in the Charges Grand Total. This includes Total Merchandise Discount, Total Shipping Discount and Shipping and Handling Total before discount |
Charge Name | chargeName | Charge Name; for example,Shipping, MerchandiseDiscount, ShippingDiscount |
Total Amount | totalAmount | Total Charge Amount |
Payments | payments | Payment information |
Payment Type | type | Payment type; for example, "CC" |
Tender Type | tenderType | Tender type; for example, "VS" |
Display Number | displayNo | The Account Number displayed on the screen; for example, last 4 digits of the CC # |
Ship Date | shipDate | Fulfillment Order Ship Date |
JSON Example
"packSlipDetails": [{
"packSlipId": "527152628",
"storeId": "TMSUS",
"nodeId": "TMS_NA-Store1",
"orderSource": "EB2C",
"hfrEligible": true,
"carrierException": true,
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"fulfillmentOrderId": "100055696554001",
"webOrderId": "0002624128080453",
"omsOrderId": "100055696554",
"fulfillmentType": "SHIP_TO_HOME",
"carrier": "ANY",
"service": "2DAY",
"fulfillmentOrderDate": "2019-06-04T20:16:27+00:00",
"orderDate": "2019-04-12T16:58:00+00:00",
"status": "1100.70.06.50",
"packages": [{
"packageId": "100150506",
"weight": {
"unit": "LBS",
"value": 4.6
"length": {
"unit": "in",
"value": 30.0
"height": {
"unit": "in",
"value": 40.0
"width": {
"unit": "in",
"value": 20.0
"packageItems": [{
"itemId": "21-RITSFSTest01",
"webLineId": "1",
"quantity": 4
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [{
"id": "1",
"webLineId": "1",
"isCustomized": false,
"itemDetails": {
"itemId": "21-RITSFSTest01",
"itemDesc": "Black Tennis Shoes",
"color": "Brown",
"colorCode": "700",
"size": "6-M",
"sizeCode": "6-M",
"style": "789",
"productLine": "992.998.1.1",
"itemType": "MERCH",
"weight": {
"unit": "LBS",
"value": 1.15
"upcs": [{
"type": "UPC-A",
"value": "1234567890"
}, {
"type": "UPC-A",
"value": "1234567891"
}, {
"type": "UPC-A",
"value": "1234567892"
"additionalAttributes": [{
"name": "FreightClass",
"value": "ANYG"
}, {
"name": "StyleID",
"value": "789"
}, {
"name": "PackageType",
"value": "Poly Bag"
}, {
"name": "HFR_ELIGIBLE",
"value": "false"
}, {
"name": "Shipping_Optimization_Eligible",
"value": "false"
"orderedQuantity": 4,
"itemTotal": {
"unitPrice": 114.0,
"extendedPrice": 456.0,
"charges": -109.0,
"tax": 10.55,
"totalAmountAfterDiscount": 357.55
"chargeGroups": [{
"name": "MerchandiseDiscount",
"totalAmount": 114.0,
"referencedCharges": [{
"name": "XsQKMcArp8MAAAFK7dYIDApN",
"isDiscount": false,
"informational": false,
"unitPrice": 28.5,
"linePrice": 0.0,
"amount": 114.0
}, {
"name": "Shipping",
"totalAmount": 5.0,
"referencedCharges": [{
"isDiscount": false,
"informational": false,
"unitPrice": 0.0,
"linePrice": 5.0,
"amount": 5.0
"customAttributes": [{
"value": "700"
}, {
"value": "Brown"
}, {
"value": "color"
}, {
"key": "PVAR_CODE_SIZE",
"value": "6-M"
}, {
"key": "PVAR_DESC_SIZE",
"value": "6-M"
}, {
"value": "Size"
"destinations": [{
"destinationId": "billing_1",
"destinationType": "MAILING_ADDRESS",
"personName": {
"firstName": "Ankur",
"lastName": "Patel"
"phone": "6102223333",
"address": {
"line1": "1000 San Leandro Blvd",
"city": "San Leandro",
"mainDivisionCode": "CA",
"postalCode": "14577",
"countryCode": "US"
"email": "RIT_E2E_237_SFS@dashboard.gsi"
}, {
"destinationId": "shipping_1",
"destinationType": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS",
"personName": {
"firstName": "Ankur",
"lastName": "Patel"
"phone": "6102223333",
"address": {
"line1": "1000 San Leandro Blvd",
"city": "San Leandro",
"mainDivisionCode": "CA",
"postalCode": "14577",
"countryCode": "US"
"billToAddress": {
"destinationId": "billing_1"
"shippingAddress": {
"destinationId": "shipping_1"
"orderTotal": {
"grandTotal": 357.55,
"lineSubTotal": 456.0,
"grandTax": 10.55,
"grandCharges": 5.0,
"hdrTax": 0.0,
"hdrCharges": 0.0
"payments": [{
"type": "CC",
"tenderType": "AF",
"displayNo": "1111"
"currency": "USD",
"customerId": "null9039781784",
"shippingAndHandlingTotals": [{
"chargeName": "Shipping",
"totalAmount": 5.0
}, {
"chargeName": "MerchandiseDiscount",
"totalAmount": -114.0
"shipDate": "2019-06-04T20:17:01"
Pick Ticket
Data | JSON Field Names | Description |
Pick Ticket![]() | pickTicketId | A unique pick ticket id |
Seller ID | storeId | Seller Code; for example, TMSUS |
Node![]() | nodeId | Fulfillment Node (Fulfillment Location) Id |
Queue Id | queueId | Waiting to Pick Queue ID |
User ID | userId | User ID assigned to a pick ticket |
Status | status | Pick Ticket Status; for example, New, INPROGRESS, etc. |
Pick Ticket Type | pickTicketType | Pick Ticket Type: PICK_TICKET |
Fulfillment Type | fulfillmentType | Fulfillment Type; for example, SHIP_TO_STORE, STORE_PICK_UP, etc. |
Pick Ticket Date | pickTicketDate | Pick Ticket Create Date |
Pick SLA![]() | pickSLADate | The date / time the pick ticket should be confirmed based on the configured SLAs |
Total Fulfillment Orders | totalFulfillmentOrders | Total number of fuflfillment orders included in the pick ticket |
Currency | currency | Currency |
Total SKUs | totalSKUs | Total number of SKUs included in the ticket |
Total Quantity | totalQuantity | Total Quantityof items included in the ticket |
Pick Ticket Items | pickTicketItems | For each item included in the pick ticket, the following data is provided: |
ID | id | Pick Ticket Line ID |
Item Details | itemDetails | Item Details |
Client ID | clientId | Client ID; for example, TMSNA |
Item ID | itemId | Radial Item ID: Catalog ID + Client Item ID,e.g. "21-MB01-NA" |
Client Item ID | clientItemId | Client Item ID; for example, "MB01-NA" |
Catalog ID | catalogId | Radial Catalog ID; for example, 21 |
GII | gii | Global Item Identifier assigned by OMS at item creation |
Item Type | type | Item Type; for example, MERCH ( source - Item Master) |
Item Status | status | Item status: Active / Inactive ( source - Item Master) |
Product Title | productTitle | Product title displayed on the webstore product page |
Item Description | description | Item descriptionprovided in the Item Master |
Images | images | Item images ( source - Item Master). For each image the below info is provided: |
url | url | Image url |
type | type | Image type; for example, "prod_main" |
view | view | Image view; for example, "main" |
height | height | Image height |
width | width | Image width |
Freight Class![]() | freightClass | Freight Class |
Sales Class![]() | salesClass | Sales Class; for example, stock |
Tax Code | taxCode | Tax code |
Hierarchy | hierarchy | Merchandise hierarchy |
Department | deptNumber | Department |
Subdepartment | subDeptNumber | Subdepartment number |
Subdepartment Description | subDeptDescription | Subdepartment Description |
Class | classNumber | Class |
Class Description | classDescription | Class Description |
Subclass | subClassNumber | Subclass |
Subclass Description | subClassDescription | Subclass Description |
Display Mass Dimensions | displayMassDimensions | Display Mass Dimansions (source - Item Master) -item weight used for shipping label generation |
Unit of Measure | unit | For example, kg |
weight | weight | Item weight |
Display Packaging Dimensions | displayPackagingDimensions | Display Packing Dimensions (source - Item Master) |
Unit of Measure | unit | For example, cm |
width | width | Item width |
length | length | Item length |
height | height | item height |
Style ID | styleId | Item Style ID ( source - Item Master) |
Sizes | sizes | Size information (source - Item Master) |
SizeCode | code | Size Code |
SizeDescription | description | Size description |
Color | color | Color Description(source - Item Master) |
Brand | brand | |
Brand Name | name | Brand Name; for example, Prio |
Brand Description | description | Brand description |
Manufacturer | manufacturer | Manufacturer Name |
Manufacturer Name | name | Manufacturer Description |
Manufacturer ID | id | Manufacturer ID |
Fulfillment Type Eligibilities | fulfillmentTypeEligibilities | Eligibilities for fulfillment type (source - Item Master) |
Fulfillment Type ID | fulfillmentTypeId | SHIP_TO_HOME, SHIP_TO_STORE or STORE_PICK_UP |
Eligibility | eligibility | Eligibility flag - value: true or false |
sfsEligible flag | sfsEligible | Specifies if an item is eligible for Ship from Store (source - Item Master) |
ispuEligible flag | ispuEligible | Specifies if an item is eligible for Store Pickup (source - Item Master) |
STSEligible flag | stsEligible | Specifies if an item is eligible for Ship to Store (source - Item Master) |
AssociateDeliveryEligible flag | associateDeliveryEligible | Specified if an item is eligibile for associate delivery |
dropshipped flag | dropShipped | Specifies if an item can be fulfilled using a drop shipper (source - Item Master) |
onPreOrder flag | onPreOrder | Specifies if an item is on pre-order (source - Item Master) |
bundle flag | bundle | Specifies if an item has infinite inventory (source - Item Master) |
infinite Inventory flag | infiniteInventory | Allows to set infinite inventory for an item (source - Item Master). It's used for such items as warranties, gift cards, etc. |
eligible to modify flag | eligibleToModify | Used for Order Modify - specifies if Item QTY can be modified or the item can be added to the existing order (source - Item Master) |
Min. Shipment Processing Days | minShipmentProcessingDays | Minimum number of days before an item can be shipped (source - Item Master) |
Max. Shipment Procssing Days | maxShipmentProcessingDays | Maximum number of days before an item can be shipped (Source - Item Master) |
Item Description | itemDesc | Item Descriptionprovided in the customer order |
Color | color | Color Description(source - Customer Order) |
Color Code | colorCode | Color Code(source - Customer Order) |
Size | sizes | Size Description (source - Customer Order) |
Size Code | sizeCode | Size Code (source - Customer Order) |
Style | style | Style ID (source - Customer Order) |
UPCS | upcs | UPCs |
UPC Type | type | UPC Type; for example, UPC-G |
UPC Number | value | UPC Number |
Barcode | barcode | UPC barcode |
All Item Master Extended and Custom Attributes | All Item Master Extended and Custom Attributes that are used by a client will be provided; for example, FreightClass, PackageType, HFR_ELIGIBLE, etc. | |
Additional Attributes | additionalAttribute | Item Master Extended and Custom Attributes that are used by a client will be provided; for example, FreightClass, PackageType, HFR_ELIGIBLE, etc.Note: These attributes are mapped to the named fields in the order |
Attribute Name | name | Attribute Name; for example, FreightClass, PackageType, HFR_ELIGIBLE, etc. |
Value | value | Attribute Value; for example, ANYG, Poly Bag, etc. |
Custom Dynamic attributes | customDynamicAttributes | Item custom attributes - source: item master. Note: These attributes are mapped to the name / value pairs, i.e. order line custom attributes |
Attribute Name | name | Custom attribute name |
Attribute Value | value | Custome attribute value |
Quantity | quantity | Item Ordered QTY |
Unit Price | unitPrice | Item Unit Price |
Retail Price | retailPrice | Retail Store Item Price |
Pick Location | pickLocation | In-store Inventory Location |
Picked Quantity | pickedQuantity | Item Picked Quantity |
Canceled Quantity | canceledQuantity | Item Canceled Quantity |
Canceled Reason Code | cancellationReasonCode | Canceled Reason Code |
Pick Ticket ID Barcode | pickTicketIdBarcode | Pick Ticket IDbarcode |
JSON Example
"packSlipDetails": [{
"packSlipId": "527152628",
"storeId": "TMSUS",
"nodeId": "TMS_NA-Store1",
"orderSource": "EB2C",
"hfrEligible": true,
"carrierException": true,
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"fulfillmentOrderId": "100055696554001",
"webOrderId": "0002624128080453",
"omsOrderId": "100055696554",
"fulfillmentType": "SHIP_TO_HOME",
"carrier": "ANY",
"service": "2DAY",
"fulfillmentOrderDate": "2019-06-04T20:16:27+00:00",
"orderDate": "2019-04-12T16:58:00+00:00",
"status": "1100.70.06.50",
"packages": [{
"packageId": "100150506",
"weight": {
"unit": "LBS",
"value": 4.6
"length": {
"unit": "in",
"value": 30.0
"height": {
"unit": "in",
"value": 40.0
"width": {
"unit": "in",
"value": 20.0
"packageItems": [{
"itemId": "21-RITSFSTest01",
"webLineId": "1",
"quantity": 4
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [{
"id": "1",
"webLineId": "1",
"isCustomized": false,
"itemDetails": {
"itemId": "21-RITSFSTest01",
"itemDesc": "Black Tennis Shoes",
"color": "Brown",
"colorCode": "700",
"size": "6-M",
"sizeCode": "6-M",
"style": "789",
"productLine": "992.998.1.1",
"itemType": "MERCH",
"weight": {
"unit": "LBS",
"value": 1.15
"upcs": [{
"type": "UPC-A",
"value": "1234567890"
}, {
"type": "UPC-A",
"value": "1234567891"
}, {
"type": "UPC-A",
"value": "1234567892"
"additionalAttributes": [{
"name": "FreightClass",
"value": "ANYG"
}, {
"name": "StyleID",
"value": "789"
}, {
"name": "PackageType",
"value": "Poly Bag"
}, {
"name": "HFR_ELIGIBLE",
"value": "false"
}, {
"name": "Shipping_Optimization_Eligible",
"value": "false"
"orderedQuantity": 4,
"itemTotal": {
"unitPrice": 114.0,
"extendedPrice": 456.0,
"charges": -109.0,
"tax": 10.55,
"totalAmountAfterDiscount": 357.55
"chargeGroups": [{
"name": "MerchandiseDiscount",
"totalAmount": 114.0,
"referencedCharges": [{
"name": "XsQKMcArp8MAAAFK7dYIDApN",
"isDiscount": false,
"informational": false,
"unitPrice": 28.5,
"linePrice": 0.0,
"amount": 114.0
}, {
"name": "Shipping",
"totalAmount": 5.0,
"referencedCharges": [{
"isDiscount": false,
"informational": false,
"unitPrice": 0.0,
"linePrice": 5.0,
"amount": 5.0
"customAttributes": [{
"value": "700"
}, {
"value": "Brown"
}, {
"value": "color"
}, {
"key": "PVAR_CODE_SIZE",
"value": "6-M"
}, {
"key": "PVAR_DESC_SIZE",
"value": "6-M"
}, {
"value": "Size"
"destinations": [{
"destinationId": "billing_1",
"destinationType": "MAILING_ADDRESS",
"personName": {
"firstName": "Ankur",
"lastName": "Patel"
"phone": "6102223333",
"address": {
"line1": "1000 San Leandro Blvd",
"city": "San Leandro",
"mainDivisionCode": "CA",
"postalCode": "14577",
"countryCode": "US"
"email": "RIT_E2E_237_SFS@dashboard.gsi"
}, {
"destinationId": "shipping_1",
"destinationType": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS",
"personName": {
"firstName": "Ankur",
"lastName": "Patel"
"phone": "6102223333",
"address": {
"line1": "1000 San Leandro Blvd",
"city": "San Leandro",
"mainDivisionCode": "CA",
"postalCode": "14577",
"countryCode": "US"
"billToAddress": {
"destinationId": "billing_1"
"shippingAddress": {
"destinationId": "shipping_1"
"orderTotal": {
"grandTotal": 357.55,
"lineSubTotal": 456.0,
"grandTax": 10.55,
"grandCharges": 5.0,
"hdrTax": 0.0,
"hdrCharges": 0.0
"payments": [{
"type": "CC",
"tenderType": "AF",
"displayNo": "1111"
"currency": "USD",
"customerId": "null9039781784",
"shippingAndHandlingTotals": [{
"chargeName": "Shipping",
"totalAmount": 5.0
}, {
"chargeName": "MerchandiseDiscount",
"totalAmount": -114.0
"shipDate": "2019-06-04T20:17:01"
Customer Receipt
Data | JSON Field Names | Description |
Customer Receipt ID | customerReceiptId | A unique customer receipt id |
Fulfillment Order ID | fulfillmentOrderId | Fulfillment Order Number |
WebOrder ID | webOrderId | Webstore Order Number |
OMS Order ID | omsOrderId | OMS Order Number |
OMS Order ID Barcodes | omsOrderIdBarcode128A omsOrderIdBarcode128B omsOrderIdBarcode39 | OMS Order Number barcodes |
Web Order ID Barcodes | webOrderIdBarcode128A webOrderIdBarcode128B webOrderIdBarcode39 | Web Order ID barcodes |
Order Date | orderDate | Order Create Date |
Seller ID | storeId | Seller Code; for example, TMSUS |
Node ID | nodeId | Pickup Node ID |
Fulfillment Type | fulfillmentType | Fulfillment Type; for example, STORE_PICK_UP, etc. |
Currency | currency | Currency |
Total Amount Breakdown: | totalAmountBreakDown | |
Merchadise | merchandise | Merchandise subtotal |
Charges | charges | Total charges amount |
Discount | discounts | Total discount amount |
Taxes | taxes | Total tax amount |
Total | total | Fulfillment order total amount |
Customer Pickup Items | customerPickUpItems | Items that are ready for customer pickup. For each item, the following datais provided: |
Webline ID | webLineId | Weborder line id |
id | id | Unique Item ID within an order - the same value as weborder line id |
Item ID | itemId | Radial Item ID |
Item Description | itemDesc | Item Description |
Color | color | Color Description |
Color Code | colorCode | Color Code |
Size | size | Size Description |
Size Code | sizeCode | Size Code |
Style | style | Style ID |
Ordered Quantity | orderedQuantity | Ordered Quantity |
Picked Quantity | pickedQuantity | Backroom Pick - quantity picked |
Backroom Pick Cancel Quantity | pickCanceledQuantity | Backroom Pick - quantity declined |
Customer Canceled Quantity | customerPickCanceledQuantity | Customer refused / not picked up quantity |
Customer Canceled Reason | customerPickCancelReasonCode | Customer pickup cancel reason code |
Customer Picked Quantity | customerPickedQuantity | Customer picked up quantity |
Proxy Pickup Address Reference | proxyPickupAddress | Proxy Pickup Address reference |
UPCS | upcs | UPCs |
UPC Type | type | UPC Type; for example, UPC-G |
UPC Number | value | UPC Number |
UPC Barcode | upcBarcodeCode128A upcBarcodeCode128B upcBarcodeCode39 | UPC barcodes |
Item Total Amoount Breakdown | totalItemBreakDown | |
Unit Price | unitPrice | Item Unit Price; for example, "unitPrice" : 114.0 |
Merchandise Amount | merchandise | Item total price before discount |
Discounts | discounts | Item discount amount |
Charges | charges | Item total charges |
Taxes | taxes | Item total tax amount |
Item Total | total | Item Total Amount |
All Item Master Extended and Custom Attributes | itemAdditionalAttributes | All Item Master Extended and Custom Attributes that are used by a client will be provided; for example, FreightClass, HazmatClass, PackageType, etc. (Print Document API - "itemAdditionalAttributes") |
Attribute Name | name | Attribute name; for example, FreightClass |
Attribute Value | value | Attribute value; for example, ANYG |
All order line item custom attributes | customAttributes | All Order Line Item Attributes that are used by a client; for example, variation attributes such as color and size. (Print Document API - "custom Attributes") |
Attribute Name | key | Attribute name; for example, PVAR_CODE_COLOR |
Attribute Value | value | Attrbute value; for example, 700 |
List of all line item charges | chargeGroups | e.g. "Gift Wrap", "Shipping", etc. (Print Document API: "chargeGroups") |
Name | name | Charge Group Name, e.g MerchandiseDiscount |
Total Amount | totalAmount | Charge Group Total |
Referenced Charges | referencedCharges | Charges that are referenced in the charge group |
Name | name | Reference ID; for example, Promotion ID |
Is Discount flag | isDiscount | Identifies if a charge is discount |
Informational | informational | Identifies if a charge is informational |
Unit Price | unitPrice | A charge amount per single item. If a charge is unit-based, then a unit price will be provided |
Line Price | linePrice | A charge amount per order line. If a charge is line-based, then a line price will be provided |
Charge Amount | amount | Total Charge Amount |
Payments | payments | Payment information |
Credit Card Expiration Date | creditCardExpDate | Credit card expiration date |
Payment Type | paymentType | Tender type; for example, "CC" |
Credit Card Name | creditCardName | Name on the credit card |
Credit Card Type | creditCardType | Credit Card Type; for example, "MC" |
Credit Card Number | creditCardNo | Credit card number |
Proxy Pickup Details | proxyPickupDetails | Proxy Pickup Information |
Address ID | id | Address ID that us used as a reference (see proxyPickupAddress) |
Proxy Name | personName | Proxy person name |
First Name | firstName | Proxy person first name |
Last Name | lastName | Proxy person last name |
Proxy Person Address | address | Proxy person mailing address |
Address Line 1 | line1 | Address line 1 |
Address Line 2 | line2 | Address line 2 |
Address Line 3 | line3 | Address line 3 |
Address Line 4 | line4 | Address line 4 |
City | city | City |
State / Province | mainDivisionCode | State / province |
Postal Code | postalCode | Postal code |
Country Code | countryCode | ISO country code |
Relationship | relationship | Proxy person relationship to the customer; for example, "Brother" |
Proxy Email | Proxy person email address | |
Proxy Phone | phone | Proxy person Phone Number |
Destinations | destinations | Fulfillment order address iformation |
Destination ID | destinationId | A unique destination id within an order; for example, billing_1 or shipFrom |
Destination Type | destinationType | Destination type; for example, MAILING_ADDRESS or NODE_ADDRESS |
Person Name | personName | Customer name |
First Name | firstName | Customer First Name |
Last Name | lastName | Customer Last Name |
Phone Number | phone | Customer Phone Number |
Customer Email Address | ||
Address | address | Address details |
Address Line1 | line1 | Address Line 1 |
Address Line 2 | line2 | Address Line 2 |
Address Line 3 | line3 | Address Line 3 |
Address Line 4 | line4 | Address Line 4 |
City | city | City |
State / Province | mainDivisionCode | State / Province |
Postal Code | postalCode | Postal code |
Country Code | countryCode | ISO Country Code |
Billing Address | billToAddress | Biilling Address |
Billing Address Destination ID | destinationId | Billing address destination id; for example, billing_1 |
Customer ID | customerId | Customer ID assigned by the system that is taking the order |
Returns | returns | Return order information - a dummy return will be created for items refused by a customer if a customer payment menthod was charged at pick ticket confirmation |
Return Order ID | returnOrderId | Return order number |
Total Amount Breakdown: | totalAmountBreakDown | Total Return Order amount breakdown |
Merchandise | merchandise | Total return merchandise amount before discount |
Charges | charges | Total return order charges |
Discount | discounts | Total return order discount amount |
Taxes | taxes | Total return order tax amount |
Return Total | total | Return order total amount |
Return Order Items: | orderItems | Items included in the return order. For each item, the following information is provided: |
Webline ID | webLineId | Weborder line id |
Id | id | Unique Item ID within an order - the same value as weborder line id |
Item ID | itemId | Radial Item ID |
Item Description | itemDesc | Item Description |
Return Quantity | quantity | Item Return (not picked up) quantity |
Total Item Breakdown: | totalItemBreakDown | Return item total breakdown |
Merchandise | merchandise | Item total price before discount |
Charges | charges | Item total charges |
Discount | discounts | Item discount amount |
Taxes | taxes | Item total tax amount |
Total | total | Item total amount |
JSON Examples
Proxy Person and Attributes
"customerReceiptId": "100015930",
"customerPickUpDetails": {
"fulfillmentOrderId": "100052171624001",
"webOrderId": "000261712081312RO",
"omsOrderId": "100052171624",
"orderDate": "2017-09-11T03:50:52+00:00",
"storeId": "TMSUS",
"nodeId": "TMS_NA-Store1",
"fulfillmentType": "STORE_PICK_UP",
"currency": "USD",
"totalAmountBreakDown": {
"merchandise": 114,
"charges": 0,
"discounts": 0,
"taxes": 6.84,
"total": 120.84
"customerPickUpItems": [{
"webLineId": "1",
"id": "1",
"itemId": "21-ISPUProd01",
"itemDesc": "Black Tennis Shoes",
"color" : "Hazel",
"colorCode" : "300",
"size" : "Size 6 - Medium",
"sizeCode" : "6-M",
"style" : "789",
"orderedQuantity": 1,
"canceledQuantity": 1,
"customerPickedQuantity": 0,
"upcs": [{
"type": "P",
"value": "355470307",
"upcBarcodeCode128A": "",
"upcBarcodeCode128B": "",
"upcBarcodeCode39": ""
"totalItemBreakDown": {
"merchandise": 114,
"charges": 0,
"discounts": 0,
"taxes": 6.84,
"total": 120.84
"webLineId": "2",
"id": "2",
"itemId": "21-ISPUProd02",
"itemDesc": "Blue Tennis Shoes",
"color" : "Hazel",
"colorCode" : "300",
"size" : "5",
"sizeCode" : "6-M",
"style" : "355470308",
"orderedQuantity": 2,
"canceledQuantity": 0,
"customerPickedQuantity": 2,
"upcs": [{
"type": "P",
"value": "355470307",
"upcBarcodeCode128A": "",
"upcBarcodeCode128B": "",
"upcBarcodeCode39": ""
"totalItemBreakDown": {
"merchandise": 114,
"charges": 0,
"discounts": 0,
"taxes": 6.84,
"total": 120.84
"payments": [{
"creditCardExpDate": "2020-12",
"paymentType": "CC",
"creditCardName": "HerbBrooks",
"creditCardType": "VS",
"creditCardNo": "1111"
"proxyPickupDetails" : {
"id" : "proxyPickupAddress_1",
"personName" : {
"firstName" : "Damian",
"lastName" : "Cregar"
"relationship": "Brother",
"email" : "",
"phone" : "6107419440"
"destinations": [{
"destinationId": "billing_1",
"destinationType": "MAILING_ADDRESS",
"personName": {
"firstName": "Herb",
"lastName": "Brooks"
"phone": "1111111111",
"address": {
"line1": "801 Hat Trick Avenue",
"city": "Eveleth",
"mainDivisionCode": "MN",
"countryCode": "US"
"email": "RIT_E2E_240_LogPro@dashboard.gsi"
}, {
"line1":"175 W Valley Forge Rd",
"city":"king of Prussia",
"billToAddress": {
"destinationId": "billing_1"
"returns": [{
"returnOrderId": "100052171634",
"totalAmountBreakDown": {
"merchandise": 114,
"charges": 0,
"discounts": 0,
"taxes": 6.84,
"total": 120.84
"orderItems": [{
"webLineId": "1",
"id": "1",
"itemId": "21-ISPUProd01",
"itemDesc": "Black Tennis Shoes",
"quantity": 1,
"totalItemBreakDown": {
"merchandise": 114,
"charges": 0,
"discounts": 0,
"taxes": 6.84,
"total": 120.84
"omsOrderIdBarcode128A": "",
"omsOrderIdBarcode128B": "",
"omsOrderIdBarcode39": "",
"9omsOrderIdBardcode128A": "",
"webOrderIdBarcode128A": "",
"webOrderIdBarcode128B": "",
"webOrderIdBarcode39": ""
Shipping Charges and Charge Group
"customerPickUpReceipt" : {
"customerReceiptId" : "527152246",
"customerPickUpDetails" : {
"fulfillmentOrderId" : "100055694874001",
"omsOrderId" : "100055694874",
"orderDate" : "2019-06-03T15:34:42+00:00",
"storeId" : "TMSUS",
"nodeId" : "TMS_NA-Store3",
"webOrderId" : "0002613821906953",
"fulfillmentType" : "SHIP_TO_STORE",
"totalAmountBreakDown" : {
"merchandise" : 1026.0,
"charges" : 0.0,
"discounts" : 0.0,
"taxes" : 20.24,
"total" : 1046.24
"customerPickUpItems" : [ {
"webLineId" : "1",
"id" : "1",
"itemId" : "21-ManGenSts01a",
"itemDesc" : "Black Bag",
"color" : "Hazel",
"colorCode" : "300",
"size" : "Size 6 - Medium",
"sizeCode" : "6-M",
"style" : "789",
"orderedQuantity" : 4,
"pickedQuantity" : 4,
"pickCanceledQuantity" : 0,
"customerPickCanceledQuantity" : 0,
"customerPickedQuantity" : 4,
"proxyPickupAddress" : "proxyPickupAddress_1",
"upcs" : [ {
"type" : "G",
"value" : "036000123234"
}, {
"type" : "EAN",
"value" : "305213091006"
}, {
"type" : "UPC-A",
"value" : "036004523234"
}, {
"type" : "UPC-A",
"value" : "305213123006"
} ],
"totalItemBreakDown" : {
"merchandise" : 456.0,
"charges" : 0.0,
"discounts" : 0.0,
"taxes" : 10.12,
"total" : 466.12,
"unitPrice" : 114.0
"itemAdditionalAttributes" : [ {
"name" : "FreightClass",
"value" : "ANYG"
}, {
"name" : "StyleID",
"value" : "789"
}, {
"name" : "HazmatClass",
"value" : "0"
}, {
"name" : "HFR_ELIGIBLE",
"value" : "true"
}, {
"name" : "PackageType",
"value" : "PolyBag"
} ],
"customAttributes" : [ {
"key" : "PVAR_CODE_COLOR",
"value" : "700"
}, {
"key" : "PVAR_DESC_COLOR",
"value" : "Generic Color"
}, {
"value" : "color"
}, {
"key" : "PVAR_CODE_SIZE",
"value" : "6-M"
}, {
"key" : "PVAR_DESC_SIZE",
"value" : "6-M"
}, {
"key" : "PVAR_LABEL_SIZE",
"value" : "Size"
}, {
"key" : "PIN_NUMBER",
"value" : "08907965710028814457"
} ]
}, {
"webLineId" : "2",
"id" : "2",
"itemId" : "21-ManGenSts01b",
"itemDesc" : "Duffle Bag",
"color" : "Hazel",
"colorCode" : "300",
"size" : "Size 6 - Medium",
"sizeCode" : "6-M",
"style" : "789",
"orderedQuantity" : 5,
"pickedQuantity" : 5,
"pickCanceledQuantity" : 0,
"customerPickCanceledQuantity" : 0,
"customerPickedQuantity" : 5,
"proxyPickupAddress" : "proxyPickupAddress_1",
"upcs" : [ {
"type" : "D",
"value" : "036000123234"
}, {
"type" : "D",
"value" : "305213091006"
}, {
"type" : "G",
"value" : "036000123234"
}, {
"type" : "EAN",
"value" : "305213091006"
}, {
"type" : "UPC",
"value" : "036000123234"
}, {
"type" : "UPC-A",
"value" : "036000123234"
}, {
"type" : "UPC-A",
"value" : "305213091006"
} ],
"totalItemBreakDown" : {
"merchandise" : 570.0,
"charges" : 0.0,
"discounts" : 0.0,
"taxes" : 10.12,
"total" : 580.12,
"unitPrice" : 114.0
"itemAdditionalAttributes" : [ {
"name" : "HazmatClass",
"value" : "0"
}, {
"name" : "FreightClass",
"value" : "ANYG"
}, {
"name" : "StyleID",
"value" : "789"
}, {
"name" : "HFR_ELIGIBLE",
"value" : "true"
} ],
"customAttributes" : [ {
"key" : "PVAR_CODE_COLOR",
"value" : "700"
}, {
"key" : "PVAR_DESC_COLOR",
"value" : "Generic Color"
}, {
"value" : "color"
}, {
"key" : "PVAR_CODE_SIZE",
"value" : "6-M"
}, {
"key" : "PVAR_DESC_SIZE",
"value" : "6-M"
}, {
"key" : "PVAR_LABEL_SIZE",
"value" : "Size"
}, {
"key" : "PIN_NUMBER",
"value" : "08907965710028814457"
} ]
} ],
"payments" : [ {
"creditCardExpDate" : "2020-12",
"paymentType" : "CC",
"creditCardName" : "RichardDoyle",
"creditCardType" : "VS",
"creditCardNo" : "411111vjOiXS1111"
} ],
"proxyPickupDetails" : {
"id" : "proxyPickupAddress_1",
"personName" : {
"firstName" : "Mary",
"lastName" : "Pickup"
"phone" : "5551231234",
"address" : {
"line1" : "200 Adams Rd",
"city" : "Harleysville",
"mainDivisionCode" : "PA",
"postalCode" : "19438",
"countryCode" : "US"
"destinations" : [ {
"destinationId" : "billing_1",
"destinationType" : "MAILING_ADDRESS",
"personName" : {
"firstName" : "Richard",
"lastName" : "Doyle"
"phone" : "1111111111",
"address" : {
"line1" : "801 Hat Trick Avenue",
"city" : "Eveleth",
"mainDivisionCode" : "MN",
"postalCode" : "55734",
"countryCode" : "US"
"email" : ""
} ],
"billToAddress" : {
"destinationId" : "billing_1"
"customerId" : "null7668746471"
"returns" : [ {
"returnOrderId" : "100055690864",
"totalAmountBreakDown" : {
"merchandise" : 342.0,
"charges" : 0.0,
"discounts" : 0.0,
"taxes" : 0.0,
"total" : 342.0
"orderItems" : [ {
"webLineId" : "1",
"id" : "1",
"itemId" : "21-ManGenSts01b",
"itemDesc" : "Duffle Bag",
"quantity" : 3,
"totalItemBreakDown" : {
"merchandise" : 342.0,
"charges" : 0.0,
"discounts" : 0.0,
"taxes" : 0.0,
"total" : 342.0
} ]
}, {
"returnOrderId" : "100055690854",
"totalAmountBreakDown" : {
"merchandise" : 228.0,
"charges" : 0.0,
"discounts" : 0.0,
"taxes" : 0.0,
"total" : 228.0
"orderItems" : [ {
"webLineId" : "1",
"id" : "1",
"itemId" : "21-ManGenSts01a",
"itemDesc" : "Black Bag",
"quantity" : 2,
"totalItemBreakDown" : {
"merchandise" : 228.0,
"charges" : 0.0,
"discounts" : 0.0,
"taxes" : 0.0,
"total" : 228.0
} ]
} ]
Hold Ticket
Data | JSON Field Names | Description |
Hold Ticket ID | holdTicketId | A unique hold ticket document id |
Fulfillment Order Information | fulfillmentOrder | Fulfillment Order information |
Fulfillment Ordr ID | fulfillmentOrderId | Fulfillment Order Number |
Seller ID | storeId | Seller Code; for example, TMSUS |
Node ID | nodeId | Fulfillment Node (Fulfillment Location) Id |
OMS Order ID | omsOrderId | OMS Order Number |
Fulfillment Type | fulfillmentType | Fulfillment Type; for example, STORE_PICK_UP, etc. |
Carrier | carrier | Carrier SCAC ; for example, ISPU![]() |
Service Level | service | Carrier Service Code; for example, ISPU |
Fulfillment Order Date | fulfillmentOrderDate | Fulfillment Order Create Date |
Order Date | orderDate | Weborder / Marketplaceorder / Retail Connection order create date |
Total Volume | totalVolume | Total volume of products |
Unit of Measure | unit | Volume Unit of Measure, e.g CIN (cubic inch) |
Value | value | Total volume |
Total Weight | totalWeight | Total weight of products |
Unit of Measure | unit | Weight Unit of Measure; for example, LBS |
Value | value | Total weight |
Pick Ticket ID | pickTicketId | Pick Ticket ID - this is a pick ticket that was used to complete a pick process for the fulfillment order |
Hold Location ID | holdLocation | Hold location for the order |
Store Location Name | storeName | Retail store name |
PIN Number | pinNumber | PIN Number that was generated for the order. PIN Number is used to confirm customer identity |
Fulfillment Order Items | fulfillmentOrderItems | Items included in the fulfillment order. Provides detail information for each item included in the fulfillment order |
ItemDetails | itemDetails | Item detail information |
Item ID | itemId | Radial Item ID |
Item Description | itemDesc | Item Description |
Color | color | Color description |
Color Code | colorCode | Color code |
Size | size | Size description |
Size Code | sizeCode | Size code |
Style | style | Style ID |
UPCS | upcs | UPCs |
UPC Type | type | UPC Type; for example, UPC-G |
UPC Number | value | UPC Number |
Ordered Quantity | orderedQuantity | Item ordered quantity |
Ready for Pickup Quantity | quantity | Item Ready for Pickup quantity |
Hold Quantity | holdQuantity | Item quantity at hold location |
Canceled Quantity | canceledQuantity | Item canceled quantity |
Cancellation Reason Code | cancellationReasonCode | Cancellation Reason Code |
Item Total | itemTotal | |
Unit Price | unitPrice | Item unit price |
Extented Price | extendedPrice | Item Total Price before discount |
Charges | charges | Total charges for the item |
Tax | tax | Total tax amount for the item |
Proxy Pickup Information | proxyPickupDetails | Proxy Pickup detail information |
Address ID | id | Proxy person address id |
Person Name | personName | Proxy person name |
First Name | firstName | Proxy first name |
Last Name | lastName | Proxy last name |
Proxy Email | Proxy person email address | |
Proxy Phone | phone | Proxy person Phone Number |
Proxy Address | address | Proxy person address |
Address Line1 | line1 | Address Line 1 |
Address Line 2 | line2 | Address Line 2 |
Address Line 3 | line3 | Address Line 3 |
Address Line 4 | line4 | Address Line 4 |
City | city | City |
State / Province | mainDivisionCode | State / Province |
Postal Code | postalCode | Postal code |
Country Code | countryCode | ISO Country Code |
Relationship | relationship | Proxy person relationship to the customer; for example, "Brother" |
Destinations | destinations | Fulfillment order address iformation |
Destination ID | destinationId | A unique destination id within an order; for example, billing_1 |
Destination Type | destinationType | Destination type; for example, MAILING_ADDRESS |
Person Name | personName | Customer name |
First Name | firstName | Customer First Name |
Last Name | lastName | Customer Last Name |
Phone Number | phone | Customer Phone Number |
Customer Email Address | ||
Address | address | Address details |
Address Line1 | line1 | Address Line 1 |
Address Line 2 | line2 | Address Line 2 |
Address Line 3 | line3 | Address Line 3 |
Address Line 4 | line4 | Address Line 4 |
City | city | City |
State / Province | mainDivisionCode | State / Province |
Postal Code | postalCode | Postal code |
Country Code | countryCode | ISO Country Code |
Billing Address | billToAddress | Biilling Address |
Billing Address Destination ID | destinationId | Billing address destination id; for example, billing_1 |
Shipping Address | shippingAddress | Shipping address |
Shipping Address Destination ID | destinationId | Shipping address destination id; for example, shipping_1 |
Order Total | orderTotal | Fulfillment order total |
Grand Total | grandTotal | Order total amount |
Grand Tax | grandTax | Total tax amount |
Grand Charge | grandCharges | Total charges amount |
Header Tax | hdrTax | Header Tax Amount |
Header Charges | hdrCharges | Header level charges |
JSON Example
"holdTicketId": "100016910",
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"fulfillmentOrderId": "100052388534001",
"storeId": "TMSUS",
"nodeId": "TMS_NA-Store1",
"omsOrderId": "100052388534",
"webOrderId": "0002683939187653",
"fulfillmentType": "STORE_PICK_UP",
"currency": "USD",
"carrier": "ISPU",
"service": "ISPU",
"fulfillmentOrderDate": "2017-12-05T17:52:39+00:00",
"orderDate": "2017-12-05T17:52:19+00:00",
"status": "1600.002",
"totalVolume": {
"unit": "CIN",
"value": 1811.25
"totalWeight": {
"unit": "LBS",
"value": 8.05
"pickTicketId": "100016909",
"holdLocation": "Ben-Test",
"pinNumber" : 7298,
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"itemDetails": {
"itemId": "21-ManGen001a",
"itemDesc": "Black Tennis Shoes",
"color" : "Hazel",
"colorCode" : "300",
"size" : "Size 6 - Medium",
"sizeCode" : "6-M",
"style" : "789",
"orderedQuantity": 4,
"quantity": 4,
"holdQuantity": 4,
"canceledQuantity": 0,
"itemTotal": {
"unitPrice": 114,
"extendedPrice": 456,
"charges": 0,
"tax": 10.12
"itemDetails": {
"itemId": "21-ManGen002a",
"itemDesc": "Black Tennis Shoes",
"color" : "Hazel",
"colorCode" : "300",
"size" : "6",
"sizeCode" : "6-M",
"style" : "1806505123",
"orderedQuantity": 3,
"quantity": 3,
"holdQuantity": 3,
"canceledQuantity": 0,
"itemTotal": {
"unitPrice": 114,
"extendedPrice": 342,
"charges": 0,
"tax": 23.94
"proxyPickupDetails": {
"id": "proxyPickupAddress_1",
"address": {
"line1": "60 GREEN MOUNTAIN",
"city": "HAZLETON",
"mainDivisionCode": "PA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "18202"
"personName": {
"lastName": "Minimum1",
"firstName": "Joe1"
"phone": "6100001000",
"email": "someone@someone@com",
"relationship": "Brother"
"destinations": [
"destinationId": "billing_1",
"destinationType": "MAILING_ADDRESS",
"personName": {
"firstName": "Richard",
"lastName": "Doyle"
"phone": "1111111111",
"address": {
"line1": "801 Hat Trick Avenue",
"city": "Eveleth",
"mainDivisionCode": "MN",
"countryCode": "US"
"email": ""
"destinationId": "shipping_1",
"destinationType": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS",
"personName": {
"firstName": "Richard",
"lastName": "Doyle"
"address": {
"line2": "2000 WHARTON ST STE A",
"city": "PITTSBURGH",
"mainDivisionCode": "PA",
"postalCode": "15203",
"countryCode": "US"
"email": ""
"billToAddress": {
"destinationId": "billing_1"
"shippingAddress": {
"destinationId": "shipping_1"
"orderTotal": {
"grandTotal": 832.06,
"grandTax": 34.06,
"grandCharges": 0,
"hdrTax": 0,
"hdrCharges": 0
Return Receipt
Data | JSON Field Name | Description |
Return Order ID | orderId | Return orderID |
Order Type | orderType | Order type; for example, OMS |
RMA ID | rmaId | RMA number |
Seller ID | store | Seller ID; for example, TMSUS |
Store Type | storeType | Store type; for example, Channel |
Expiration Date | expiryDate | Return authorization expiration date |
Return Location | returnLocation | Return location |
Location ID | id | Return location (node) id |
Return Location Address | address | Return location mailing address |
Address Line | addressLine | Return location street address |
City | city | City |
State | state | State |
Postal Code | zipCode | Postal code |
Country Code | country | ISO country code |
Phone | dayPhone | Return location phone number |
Bill to Address | billToAddress | |
First Name | firstName | Bill to person first name |
Last Name | lastName | Bill to person last name |
Address Line | addressLine | Customer street address |
City | city | City |
State | state | State |
Postal Code | zipCode | Postal code |
Country Code | country | ISO country code |
Phone | dayPhone | Customer phone number |
Weborder Number | webOrderNumber | Weborder Number |
Document ID | documentNumber | Return Receipt Document Number |
Total Refund Amount | totalRefundAmount | Total refund amount |
Total Charges Amount | totalChargesAmount | Total charges amount included in the refund amount |
Total Discount Amount | totalDiscountAmount | Total discount amount |
Total Tax Amount | totalTaxAmount | Total tax amount included in the refund amount |
Header Custom Attributes | customAttributes | Order header custom attributes |
Attribute list | attributeList | Custom attributes list |
Attribute Name | name | Custom attribute name |
Attribute Value | value | Custom attribute value |
Order Already Taxed flag | orderAlreadyTaxed | Order Already Taxed flag |
Order Lines | orderLines | Order lines detail information |
Line Number | lineNumber | Order line number |
Ordered Quantity | orderedQuantity | Line item ordered quantity |
Returned Quantity | returnedQuantity | Line item returned quantity |
Item ID | itemId | Radial item ID |
Item Description | itemDescription | Item description |
Unit Price | unitPriceAmount | Item unit price |
Item Gross Amount | grossAmount | Item gross amount |
Discount Amount | discountAmount | Total item discount |
Tax Amount | taxAmount | Item tax amount |
Refund Amount | refundAmount | Item refund amount |
Line Charges | lineCharges | |
Line Charge List | lineChargeList | A list of all line charges and discounts |
Charge Name | chargeName | Charge name |
Charge Amount | chargeAmount | Charge amount |
Line Price | linePrice | Charge per line |
Unit Price | unitPrice | Charge per unit |
Line Taxes | lineTaxes | |
Line Tax List | lineTaxList | A list of all line taxes |
Tax Category | taxCategory | Tax category |
Tax Amount | taxAmount | Tax amount |
Line Custom Attribute | customAttributes | Line custom attribute |
Attribute List | attributeList | A list of order line custom attributes |
Attribute Name | name | Custom attribute name; for example, PVAR_DESC_COLOR |
Attribute Value | value | Custom attribute value; for example, Brown |
JSON Example
"1400 Main Street"
"801 Hat Trick Avenue"
"itemDescription":"Red Floral Dress",
Order Receipt
Data | JSON Field Names | Description |
Cart ID | cartId | Cart ID |
Seller ID | storeId | Seller ID |
Weborder ID | webOrderId | Weborder number |
Order Type | orderType | Order Type; for example, SALES |
Order Source | source | Identifies where an order was originated; for example, InStore |
Locale | locale | Locale; for example, en_US |
Tax Header | taxHeader | Contains error response from Tax system |
Error flag | error | IdentIdentifies if Tax call is resulted in error. Error flag value:true or false |
Tax Transaction ID | taxTransactionId | Tax Transaction ID |
Pricing Date | pricingDate | Pricing Date |
Customer | customer | Customer general information |
Person Name | personName | Customer name |
First Name | firstName | Customer first name |
Last Name | lastName" | Customer last name |
Middle Name | middleName | Customer middle name |
Customer email address | ||
Loyalty Programs | loyaltyPrograms | Loaylty programs that a customer participates in |
Loyalty Number | loyaltyNumber | Loyalty number |
Loyalty Program Name | loyaltyProgName | Loyalty program name |
Lines | lines | Order lines |
Line ID | lineId | A unique line id (used as a reference withing the order) |
Webline ID | webLineId | Weborder line id |
Quantity | quantity | Line item quantity |
Unit Price | unitPrice | Item unit price |
Line Subtotal | lineSubtotal | Line Subtotal |
Item | item | Item information |
Item ID | itemId | Radial Item ID |
Item Description | description | Item description |
Estimated Delivery Date | estimatedDeliveryDate | Estimated Delivery Date |
Delivery window | deliveryWindow | Delivery window |
From Date | from | From Delivery Date |
To Date | to | To Delivery Date |
Shipping Window | shippingWindow | Shipping window |
From Date | from | From Ship Date |
To Date | to | To Ship Date |
Message Type | messageType | Message Type: DeliveryDate |
Expected Shipments | expectedShipments | Expected Shipments |
Available Quantities | availableQuantities | Available quantities |
Quantity | quantity | Available quantity |
Ship from Address | shipFromAddress | Ship from address |
Address Line1 | line1 | Address line 1 |
Address Line2 | line2 | Address line 2 |
Address Line3 | line3 | Address line 3 |
Address Line4 | line4 | Address line 4 |
City | city | City |
Province / State | mainDivisionCode | Province / state |
Postal Code | postalCode | Postal Code |
Country Code | countryCode | Country code |
Color | color | |
Color Code | code | Color code |
Color Description | description | Color description |
Size | size | |
Size Code | code | Size code |
Size Descriptions | description | Size description |
Estimated Delivery Date | estimatedDeliveryDate | Estimated Delivery Date |
Delivery window | deliveryWindow | Delivery window |
From Date | from | From Delivery Date |
To Date | to | To Delivery Date |
Shipping Window | shippingWindow | Shipping window |
From Date | from | From Ship Date |
To Date | to | To Ship Date |
Message Type | messageType | Message Type: DeliveryDate |
Unavailable Quantity | unavailableQuantity | Unavailable quantity |
Attributes | attributes | Line attributes |
Promotion Codes | promotionCodes | Promotion codes applied |
Promotions | promotions | Promotions applied |
Destinations | destinations | Order destinations, i.e. shipping / billing address information |
Destination ID | destinationId | Destination ID |
Destination Type | destinationType | Desttionation type; for example, MAILING_ADDRESS |
Person Name | personName | Person name |
First Name | firstName | First name |
Last Name | lastName | Last name |
Middle Name | middleName | Middle name |
Honorific | honorific | Honorific |
Phone | phone | Phone number |
Address | address | Address |
Address Line1 | line1 | Address line1 |
Address Line2 | line2 | Address line2 |
Address Line3 | line3 | Address line3 |
Address Line4 | line4 | Address line4 |
City | city | City |
State / Province | mainDivisionCode | State / Province |
Postal Code | postalCode | Postal code |
Country Code | countryCode | Country code |
Ship Groups | shipGroups | Ship groups |
Ship Group ID | shipGroupId | Ship group Id |
Fulfillment Type | fulfillmentType | Fulfillment type; for example, SHIP_TO_HOME |
Charge Type | chargeType | Charge type; for example, FLATRATE |
Shipping Method | shippingMethod | Shipping method |
Carrier | carrier | Carrier SCAC code |
Service | service | Carrier service level; for example, STD |
SCAC and Service Combined | scacService | SCAC and service combined together; for example, ANY_STD |
Display Text | displayText | Sipping Method description, e.gStandard Ground |
Destination ID Reference | destinationIdRef | Destination ID reference |
Line ID References | lineIdRefs | Line ID references |
Payments | payments | Order Payment information |
Payment Type | paymentType | Payment type; for example, CREDIT_CARD |
Payment ID | paymentId | A unique payment id within an order |
Amount | amount | Amount |
Suspended flag | suspended | Identifies if payment is suspended |
Primary Account Number | primaryAccountNumber | Primary account number |
Type | type | Account number type; for example, TOKEN |
Value | value | Masked Account Number |
Tender Type | tenderType | Tender type; for example, VC |
Expiration Date | expirationDate | Credit card expiration date |
IsPLCC flag | isPLCC | Identifies if the payment method is a private label credit card |
Billing Address Refference | billingAddressRef | Destination ID of the billing address (see Destinations) |
Charges | charges | Order charges |
Total Charge Amount | totalCharge | Order total charge amount |
Total Discount | totalDiscount | Total charge discount |
Net Amount | netAmount | Total net amount (after discount) |
Total Base Amount | totalBase | Total base amount |
Total Promotion Discount | totalPromotion | Total promotion discount |
Total Adjustment amount | totalAdjustment | Total adjustment amount |
Line Charge Groups | lineChargeGroups | |
Line ID | lineId | Order line unique id within the order |
Total Charge Amount | totalCharge | Line total charge amount |
Total Discount | totalDiscount | Line total charge discount |
Net Amount | netAmount | Line charge net amount (after discount) |
Total Base Amount | totalBase | Line charge base amount |
Total Promotion Discount | totalPromotion | Line charge promotion discount |
Total Adjustment amount | totalAdjustment | Line charge adjustment amount |
Charge Groups | chargeGroups | |
Charge Group Name | name | Charge Group Name; for example, Shipping |
Total Charge | totalCharge | Total charge amount |
Total Discount | totalDiscount | Total charge discount |
Net Amount | netAmount | Charge net amount (after discount) |
Total Base Amount | totalBase | Charge base amount |
Total Promotion Discount | totalPromotion | Charge promotion discount |
Total Adjustment amount | totalAdjustment | Charge adjustment amount |
Adjustment Category | adjustmentCategory | Adjustment category; for example, ShippingCredit |
Charges | charges | |
Name | name | Charge name; for example, Shipping |
Category | category | Charge category; for example, Shipping |
Charge Type | chargeType | Charge type; for example, BASE |
Unit Charge | unitCharge | Charge per unit |
Line Charge | lineCharge | Charge per line |
Amount | amount | Charge amount |
Discount flag | discount | Specifies if a charge is discount. Value: true or false |
Derived flag | derived | Specifies if a charge is derived. Value: true or false |
Date Created | dateCreated | Charge created date |
Taxes | taxes | Order taxes |
Total Tax | totalTax | Order total tax amount |
Total Discount | totalDiscount | Order total tax discount |
Net Amount | netAmount | Order tax net amount |
Line taxes | lineTaxes | |
Line ID | lineID | Order line unique id within the order |
Total Tax | totalTax | Line total tax amount |
Total Discount | totalDiscount | Line total tax discount |
Net Amount | netAmount | Line tax net amount |
Taxes | taxes | A list of all applicable line taxes |
Name | name | Tax name; for example, Price, Shipping, etc. |
Tax Type | taxType | Tax Type; for example, BASE |
Category | category | Tax category; for example, Price, Shipping, etc. |
Amount | amount | Tax amount |
Tax Details | taxDetails | Tax details |
Tax Detail Type | taxDetailType | Tax detail type; for example, SALES |
Taxability | taxability | Taxability; for example, TAXABLE |
Situs | situs | Situs; for example, ADMINISTRATIVE_ORIGIN |
Jurisdiction | jurisdiction | Jurisdiction |
Jurisdiction level | jurisdictionLevel | Jurisdiction level; for example, STATE |
Jurisdiction ID | jurisdictionId | Jurisdiction id |
Value | value | Juristiction value; for example, PENNSYLVANIA |
Imposition | imposition | Imposition |
Imposition Type | impositionType | Imposition type; for example, General Sales and Use Tax |
Value | value | Imposition value; for example, Sales and Use Tax |
Tax Effective Rate | effectiveRate | Tax effective rate |
Taxable Amount | taxableAmount | Taxable amount |
Calculated Tax | calculatedTax | Calculated tax amount |
Totals | totals | Order totals |
Line Totals | lineTotals | A list of line totals |
Line ID | lineId | Line Id |
Line Total | lineTotal | Line grand total amount (includes tax, charges, discount) |
Charge Group Totals | chargeGroupTotals | Charge Group total |
Charge Group Name | chargeGroupName | Charge group name |
Total Charge | totalCharge | Total charge amount |
Total Discount | totalDiscount | Total discount amount |
Net Amount | netAmount | Net amount |
Total Base Amount | totalBase | Total base amount |
Total Promotion | totalPromotion | Total promotion discount |
Total Adjustment amount | totalAdjustment | Total adjustment amount |
Lines Subtotal | lineSubtotal | Lines subtotal |
Lines Grand Total | grandTotal | Lines grand total amount (includes tax, charges, discount) |
Shipping Total Charges | shippingTotalCharges | Shipping total charges |
Shipping Total Promotion | shippingTotalPromotionCharges | Shipping total promotion discount |
Promotion Total Charges | promotionTotalCharges | Merchandise total promotion discount |
JSON Example
"cartId" : "106058",
"storeId" : "TMSUS",
"webOrderId" : "00250106058",
"orderType" : "SALES",
"source" : "InStore",
"currency" : "USD",
"locale" : "en_US",
"taxHeader" : {
"error" : false,
"taxTransactionId" : "6031302"
"pricingDate" : "2019-02-05T14:42:47.858Z",
"customer" : {
"personName" : {
"firstName" : "asdf",
"lastName" : "asdf",
"middleName" : ""
"email" : "",
"loyaltyPrograms" : [ ]
"lines" : {
"lineId1" : {
"lineId" : "lineId1",
"webLineId" : 1,
"quantity" : 2,
"unitPrice" : 10.0,
"lineSubtotal" : 20.0,
"item" : {
"itemId" : "21-ManGen003a",
"description" : "Manual Test Order 3"
"estimatedDeliveryDate" : {
"deliveryWindow" : {
"from" : "2019-02-06T00:00:00Z",
"to" : "2019-02-10T00:00:00Z"
"shippingWindow" : {
"from" : "2019-02-05T00:00:00Z",
"to" : "2019-02-06T00:00:00Z"
"messageType" : "DeliveryDate"
"expectedShipments" : {
"availableQuantities" : [ {
"quantity" : 2,
"shipFromAddress" : {
"line1" : "16 Madison way",
"city" : "Downingtown",
"mainDivisionCode" : "PA",
"postalCode" : "19335",
"countryCode" : "US"
"estimatedDeliveryDate" : {
"deliveryWindow" : {
"from" : "2019-02-06T00:00:00Z",
"to" : "2019-02-10T00:00:00Z"
"shippingWindow" : {
"from" : "2019-02-05T00:00:00Z",
"to" : "2019-02-06T00:00:00Z"
"messageType" : "DeliveryDate"
} ],
"unavailableQuantity" : 0
"attributes" : [ ]
"promotionCodes" : {
"promotions" : {
"destinations" : {
"destination1" : {
"destinationId" : "destination1",
"destinationType" : "MAILING_ADDRESS",
"personName" : {
"firstName" : "asdf",
"lastName" : "asdf",
"middleName" : "",
"honorific" : ""
"phone" : "1231231234",
"address" : {
"line1" : "234 asdfa",
"line2" : "",
"line3" : "",
"line4" : "",
"city" : "king of prussia",
"mainDivisionCode" : "PA",
"postalCode" : "19146",
"countryCode" : "US"
"shipGroups" : {
"shipGroup1" : {
"shipGroupId" : "shipGroup1",
"fulfillmentType" : "SHIP_TO_HOME",
"chargeType" : "FLATRATE",
"shippingMethod" : {
"carrier" : "ANY",
"service" : "STD",
"scacService" : "ANY_STD",
"displayText" : "Standard Ground"
"destinationIdRef" : "destination1",
"lineIdRefs" : [ "lineId1" ]
"payments" : {
"payment1" : {
"paymentType" : "CREDIT_CARD",
"paymentId" : "payment1",
"amount" : 26.5,
"suspended" : false,
"primaryAccountNumber" : {
"type" : "TOKEN",
"value" : "411111vjOiXS1111"
"tenderType" : "VC",
"isMockPayment" : false,
"customAttributes" : [ ],
"expirationDate" : "2022-04",
"isPLCC" : false,
"useAlternateMerchantId" : false
"billingAddressRef" : "destination1",
"charges" : {
"totalCharge" : 5.0,
"totalDiscount" : 0,
"netAmount" : 5.0,
"totalBase" : 5.0,
"totalPromotion" : 0,
"totalAdjustment" : 0,
"lineChargeGroups" : {
"lineId1" : {
"lineId" : "lineId1",
"totalCharge" : 5.0,
"totalDiscount" : 0,
"netAmount" : 5.0,
"totalBase" : 5.0,
"totalPromotion" : 0,
"totalAdjustment" : 0,
"chargeGroups" : {
"Shipping" : {
"name" : "Shipping",
"totalCharge" : 5.0,
"totalDiscount" : 0,
"netAmount" : 5.0,
"totalBase" : 5.0,
"totalPromotion" : 0,
"totalAdjustment" : 0,
"adjustmentCategory" : "ShippingCredit",
"charges" : [ {
"name" : "Shipping",
"category" : "Shipping",
"chargeType" : "BASE",
"unitCharge" : 0,
"lineCharge" : 5.0,
"amount" : 5.0,
"discount" : false,
"derived" : false,
"dateCreated" : "2019-02-05T14:48:48.693Z",
"informational" : false
} ]
"taxes" : {
"totalTax" : 1.5,
"totalDiscount" : 0,
"netAmount" : 1.5,
"lineTaxes" : {
"lineId1" : {
"lineId" : "lineId1",
"totalTax" : 1.5,
"totalDiscount" : 0,
"netAmount" : 1.5,
"taxes" : [ {
"name" : "Price",
"category" : "Price",
"taxType" : "BASE",
"amount" : 1.2,
"discount" : false,
"derived" : false,
"taxDetails" : [ {
"taxDetailType" : "SALES",
"taxability" : "TAXABLE",
"jurisdiction" : {
"jurisdictionLevel" : "STATE",
"jurisdictionId" : "31152",
"value" : "PENNSYLVANIA"
"imposition" : {
"impositionType" : "General Sales and Use Tax",
"value" : "Sales and Use Tax"
"effectiveRate" : 0.06,
"taxableAmount" : 20.0,
"calculatedTax" : 1.2
} ]
}, {
"name" : "Shipping",
"category" : "Shipping",
"taxType" : "BASE",
"amount" : 0.3,
"discount" : false,
"derived" : false,
"taxDetails" : [ {
"taxDetailType" : "SALES",
"taxability" : "TAXABLE",
"jurisdiction" : {
"jurisdictionLevel" : "STATE",
"jurisdictionId" : "31152",
"value" : "PENNSYLVANIA"
"imposition" : {
"impositionType" : "General Sales and Use Tax",
"value" : "Sales and Use Tax"
"effectiveRate" : 0.06,
"taxableAmount" : 5.0,
"calculatedTax" : 0.3
} ]
} ]
"totals" : {
"lineTotals" : {
"lineId1" : {
"lineId" : "lineId1",
"lineTotal" : 26.5
"chargeGroupTotals" : {
"Shipping" : {
"chargeGroupName" : "Shipping",
"totalCharge" : 5.0,
"totalDiscount" : 0,
"netAmount" : 5.0,
"totalBase" : 5.0,
"totalPromotion" : 0,
"totalAdjustment" : 0
"lineSubtotal" : 20.0,
"grandTotal" : 26.5
"templates" : [ ],
"attributes" : [ ],
"inError" : false,
"cartIdGenerator" : {
"nextLineId" : 2,
"nextDestinationId" : 2,
"nextShipGroupId" : 2,
"nextPaymentId" : 2,
"nextCartEventId" : 43,
"nextShipmentId" : 1,
"nextContainerId" : 1,
"nextWebLineId" : 2,
"nextCustomizationId" : 1
"version" : 20,
"lastEventSequenceConsumed" : 7,
"shippingTotalCharges": 15.0,
"shippingTotalPromotionCharges": -10.00,
"promotionTotalCharges": 0