In addition to the supported standalone scanners. you can use various mobile devices to scan items as you pick and pack them. These devices include:

  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Android-based tablets

To scan an item with one of these devices:

  1. Using your mobile device, navigate to the Pick TicketClosed A document that specifies the items in an order. The Store Associate uses the pick ticket to assemble the order. Details or Pack Order screen.
  2. Tap the barcode icon on the top right of the item you want to scan. The device's camera activates.
  3. Hover the camera over the barcode of the item.
  4. When you have a complete and clear view of the item, tap the Scan button. The device attempts to scan the item.
    • If the scan is successful, a Success message appears.
    • If you scanned a barcode that is not associated with an item, a "Scanned Item Not Found" message appears.
    • If you scanned something other than the barcode, a "Barcode Not Found" message appears.
  5. Continue scanning until the pick or pack process is complete.