After you log in, use the menu or search to navigate to a dashboard or report.

Open a dashboard from the menu

Use the left menu pane to open a dashboard or report. The menu organizes dashboards and reports in main product categories, such as Fulfillment, Order Management, and Payments & Fraud, and in folders within those categories.

To open a folder, click the plus sign (+). To close a folder, click the minus sign (-).

Dashboards, which present information visually, have names prefixed with D, for example, D01 Order Analysis. Reports, which present information in table format, have names prefixed with R, for example, R02 Inventory Details.

To open a dashboard or report, click its name in the menu. The dashboard displays in the main content window.

Search for a dashboard

If you know a dashboard's name, or part of its name, you can use the dashboard search. To search for a dashboard:

  1. Click the search icon (magnifying glass) at the top of menu list.
  2. In the search field, start typing the dashboard name. A list of suggested matches displays.
  3. In the list, click the name of the dashboard you are looking for. The dashboard displays in the main content window

Show and hide the menu pane

You can hide the left menu pane to allow more room for the main content window. You can then slide out the menu when you want to navigate to a different dashboard.

To hide or show the left menu pane, click the menu handle. The handle can be seen at the vertical middle of the line that marks the left side of the main content window.

You can also drag the line between the menu and the main content window, making the menu pane narrower or wider as needed.

The filter pane, at the right side of the main window, can also be hidden to make more room for the main content window. To hide the filter pane, click the handle on the right side of the main content window.

Open Pulse

The Pulse page lets you organize your own most important KPIs. To access Pulse, click the Pulse link at the center of the topmost title bar. Use the Analytics link to return to the Dashboards page.

Navigational Jumps from Widgets

Within dashboards, some widgets offer navigational options. Hover your mouse pointer over the widget to make the widget's buttons visible.

For a full-screen view of a widget, click the full-screen button ().

When a jump button () appears, you can navigate to another dashboard with a deeper level of information. To see that additional information, click the widget itself. The new dashboard containing additional information opens in a new browser tab. To return to the main dashboard window, close the new browser tab.

When an accordion button () appears, you can open up a hidden section of the page with additional information related. To see that additional information, click the widget itself. A hidden section opens up, or accordions, pushing the rest of the page down. To close the accordion section, click the X button at the top right of the section.

A widget's action button () opens up a menu with options and actions for that widget, such as download, drill-down, and display options.