When a shopper adds an item to your shopping cart, or when the shopper increases the quantity for an item in the cart, you can do a real-time quantity check to confirm that sufficient quantity is available for the item.

Make a Quantity Check API Request

The quantity check takes a list of one or more items identified by item ID.

The figure below shows a quantity check request payload for a single item identified as 12-34567890.

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<QuantityRequestMessage xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0">
  <QuantityRequest lineId="line1"          
                   itemId="12-34567890"/>  <!-- see NOTE1 NOTE2 NOTE3 --> 
NOTE1 One //QuantityRequest element per updated line item in your cart.
NOTE2 lineId is the order item line identifier provided by the e-commerce application. An alphanumeric string starting with a letter. Must be unique within the request. Used to correlate lines in the response to lines in the request.
NOTE3 itemID is the Radial identifier for the item associated with the cart line.

Line identifiers must begin with a letter: ROM supports alphanumeric strings as order item line identifiers. However these strings must begin with an alpha character. For e-commerce application frameworks which use numeric line identifiers add an alpha prefix to use as the ROM line identifier.

Interpret the Quantity Check API Response

The request is made via HTTPS POST to /v1.0/stores/<your Store ID>/inventory/quantity/get.xml and must include the following headers:

ApiKey: <your API key>Content-Type: text/xml

The ROM quantity API supports the following HTTP response status codes:

Status Description Action



Interrogate the response payload for additional information.


Bad request. The API could not process the request due to either a syntax error or bad data in the provided request payload.

This is a programming time error. Interrogate the fault message in the response payload for more information. Fix the syntax or data issue in the requesting application.


API processing error. The API could not process the request due to a temporary internal error.

Requesting application should proceed as if the API responded with a 200 status and the response payload reported sufficient quantity for all lines in the request.

Timeouts: e-commerce application should set a reasonable timeout on all ROM API calls. If an API call does not respond within the configured timeout the application should proceed as if the call returned a 500 http status.

The response payload will include an available to sell quantity for each line in the request. Response lines can be correlated to request lines by the lineId values in each.

The figure below shows an example of the payload from a successful quantity check call.

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<QuantityResponseMessage xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0">
  <QuantityResponse lineId="line1"        
                    itemId="12-34567890">  <!-- see NOTE1 NOTE2 NOTE3 --> 
    <Quantity>5</Quantity>  <!-- see NOTE4 -->  
NOTE1 One //QuantityResponse element per //QuantityRequest element in the request.
NOTE2 Use this value to correlate with lines from the request, i.e. with the corresponding //QuantityRequest/@lineId value.
NOTE3 Radial item identifier for the item associated with this line.
NOTE4 The available to sell quantity for the item associated with this line.

When the quantity check API returns an error status (400 or 500) the returned payload will be a fault message. The figure below shows an example of a fault response payload resulting from a missing lineId attribute on one of the request message lines.

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Fault xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0">  <!-- see NOTE1 -->  
   <CreateTimestamp>2016-02-07T18:05:37+00:00</CreateTimestamp> <!-- see NOTE2 --> 
   <Code>InvalidRequestXmlException</Code>   <!-- see NOTE3 -->                    
   <Description>cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'lineId' must 
appear on element 'QuantityRequest'.</Description> <!-- see NOTE4 --> 
NOTE1 Message payload describing an API error (http status 400 or 500)
NOTE2 Timestamp describing when the error occured on the server
NOTE3 Unique code describing the error
NOTE4 Description of the error