OrderCreateRequest OrderItem Examples

The OrderItem elements can contain a wide range of information. Below are some examples of different types of items or different OrderItem fields.

Ship To Home

The How to Build an Order Create API Request page uses a simple ship to home OrderItem in its example.

Ship To Store

A customer can choose to have an item shipped to a store near them where they can pick it up. The destination for the item will be a StoreLocation. See the store location shipping example. A ship to store item may have ProxyPickupDetails which defines an alternate person that can pickup the item.

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0"
    <Order customerOrderId="12345">
            <OrderItem id="orderItem1"
                <ShippingMethod displayText="Standard Ground">STS_SGND</ShippingMethod> 
                <!-- see NOTE1 --> 
                <FulfillmentChannel>SHIP_TO_STORE</FulfillmentChannel> <!-- see NOTE2 --> 
                <ProxyPickupDetails> <!-- see NOTE3 --> 
                    <FirstName>Jane</FirstName> <!-- see NOTE4 --> 
                    <LastName>Doe</LastName> <!-- see NOTE5 --> 
                    <Email>janedoe@gsicommerce.com</Email> <!-- see NOTE6 --> 
                    <Phone>555-555-5555</Phone> <!-- see NOTE7 --> 
                    <Relationship>Wife</Relationship> <!-- see NOTE8 --> 
NOTE1 This is an example of a ship to store ShippingMethod.
NOTE2 The FulfillmentChannel is SHIP_TO_STORE.
NOTE3 An optional ProxyPickupDetails can be included to allow someone else to pickup the order from the store.
NOTE4 The first name of the additional person allowed to pickup the order.
NOTE5 The last name of the additional person.
NOTE6 The email address of the additional person.
NOTE7 The phone number of the additional person.
NOTE8 The relationship of the additional person to the customer in the order.

Virtual Gift Card

Virtual or electronic gift cards can be sent to emails. See the Email shipping example for what the shipping section looks like. This example will show what the OrderItem itself looks like for a virtual gift card.

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0"
    <Order customerOrderId="12345">
            <OrderItem id="orderItem1"
                <ShippingMethod displayText="Email delivery">ANY_EMAIL</ShippingMethod> 
                <!-- see NOTE1 -->
                <Gifting> <!-- see NOTE2 --> 
                            <Message>Enjoy the gift card</Message>
NOTE1 The ShippingMethod is ANY_EMAIL since we will be emailing it.
NOTE2 The Gifting element contains a GiftCard with a To, From, and Message. This is not required.


An item can contains multiple customizations as described in this example.

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0"
    <Order customerOrderId="12345">
            <OrderItem id="orderItem1"
                        <Customization> <!-- see NOTE1 --> 
                            <CustomizationId>1</CustomizationId> <!-- see NOTE2 --> 
                                <Instructions> <!-- see NOTE3 --> 
                                    <Key>123</Key> <!-- see NOTE4 --> 
                                    <Value>456</Value> <!-- see NOTE5 --> 
                            <ExtendedPrice> <!-- see NOTE6 --> 
                            <ItemId>12-678</ItemId> <!-- see NOTE7 --> 
NOTE1 A Customization element on the item, there can be multiple.
NOTE2 An optional value used to group customization instructions into logical sets.
NOTE3 An instruction for this customization. There can be multiple. The webstore and warehouse need to be on the same page with regard to the possible key/value pairs these instructions can contain.
NOTE4 The key to identify the type of customization instruction.
NOTE5 Represents the single piece of information associated with the instruction.
NOTE6 An optional charge associated to the given customization.
NOTE7 An identifier used to identify the item used for customization.

Miscellaneous Elements

Below are some additional fields that can be included as part of an item.

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0"
    <Order customerOrderId="12345">
            <OrderItem id="orderItem1"
                <ItemId>12-345</ItemId>                ...
                <DeliveryInstructions>Leave under the front doormat.</DeliveryInstructions> 
                <!-- see NOTE1 --> 
                <Gifting> <!-- see NOTE2 --> 
                            <Message>Happy birthday</Message>
NOTE1 Delivery instructions can be attached to an item.
NOTE2 An item can have a Gifting element which can contain various things like this gift message. Alternatively, a ShipGroup can have Gifting elements as well. See the shipping gifting example.