The Order Credit Issued event is triggered when credit is issued to a customer after an item has shipped. This event notifies that funds were credited back to a customer.

Radial supports two different ways to receive event messages from this API and other event-based APIs.

  • If you use the queue-based implementation with AMQP, each event is sent in its own OrderCreditIssued message. These events can be sent in XML or JSON.

  • If you use the webhooks-based implementation, a set of events is grouped together in an OrderCreditIssuedList message. These list events can be sent in XML or JSON.

XML Schemas:

Return or Credit Issued Event Types:

  • Return
  • CreditIssued
  • ZCRCharge
  • ZCRReturnedLate
  • ZCRReturnedOnTime
  • ZCRReturnReminder

XPath: /CreditIssuedSummary/@returnOrCreditIssued

Example: <CreditIssuedSummary returnOrCreditIssued="ZCRReturnReminder"

OrderCreditIssued Message

For queue-based implementations, a new OrderCreditIssued message is generated for each new event.

Queue name: q.Order.Credit.Issued.<StoreCode>.2-0

Single-Event Message Examples

Click any heading below to view the example message.

OrderCreditIssuedList Message

For Webhooks-based implementations, Order Credit Issued events are grouped together in one OrderCreditIssuedList message.

Event List Message Example

Click any heading below to view the example message.

Example: JSON Format

Note: If you want to use the JSON format, contact your Radial representative for the XML to JSON mappings.

Copy this code sample.
    "customer": {
        "customerId": "null4188504045",
        "name": {
            "lastName": "Jones",
            "firstName": "Indiana"
        "emailAddress": ""
    "orderSource": "WEB",
    "billingAddress": {
        "personName": {
            "lastName": "Jones",
            "firstName": "Indiana"
        "address": {
            "line1": "630 Allendale Road",
            "city": "King of Prussia",
            "mainDivision": "PA",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "postalCode": "19406"
        "phoneNumber": "6102223333",
        "emailAddress": ""
    "adjustedOrderItems": [
            "description": {
                "description": "Black Tennis Shoes",
                "sku": "21252052",
                "upc": "0360123652011",
                "globalId": "21252052",
                "title": "Black Tennis Shoes",
                "color": {
                    "content": "Brown",
                    "id": "700"
                "size": {
                    "content": "6-M",
                    "id": "6-M"
                "styleNumber": "84529",
                "vendorPartNumber": null
            "pricing": {
                "adjustedAmount": "-112.00"
            "orderReturnReason": {
                "reasonCode": "ZRN"
            "additionalValues": [
                    "key": "PVAR_DESC_COLOR",
                    "value": "Brown"
                    "key": "requestLineId",
                    "value": "item_2"
                    "key": "OrderAttrName1",
                    "value": "OrderAttrVal1"
                    "key": "originalLineNo",
                    "value": "2"
                    "key": "originalSubLineNo",
                    "value": "1"
                    "key": "Lot_No",
                    "value": ""
            "fulfillmentMethod": "SHIP_TO_HOME",
            "nodeId": "TMSNA-DC445",
            "itemRelationships": null,
            "webLineId": "1",
            "itemId": "21-ISPUProd02",
            "quantity": "1",
            "remainingQuantity": 0,
            "orderItemStatus": "RETURN_FULL"
    "creditIssuedSummary": {
        "payments": {
            "payment": {
                "paymentDescription": "CreditCard",
                "paymentTenderType": "CreditCard",
                "paymentMaskedAccount": "***********1111",
                "paymentAmount": "-117.00"
        "returnOrCreditIssued": "Return",
        "creditRefNumber": "20005615389-7077016",
        "taxAmount": "0.00",
        "shippedAmount": "-5.00",
        "giftWrapAmount": "0.00",
        "dutyAmount": "0.00",
        "feesAmount": "0.00",
        "subTotalAmount": "-112.00",
        "returnLabelFee": "0.00",
        "totalCredit": "-117.00"
    "additionalAttributes": [
            "key": "MAJOR_ORDER_GRP_ATTR",
            "value": "shipgroup_1"
            "key": "OrderAttrName1",
            "value": "OrderAttrVal1"
            "key": "createUserId",
            "value": "mbehl"
            "key": "returnReceiptIndex",
            "value": "1"
            "key": "eventTimestamp",
            "value": "2024-04-17T13:24:29.393Z"
    "customerOrderId": "0002602253461653",
    "storeId": "TMSUS",
    "locale": "en_US",
    "orderDate": "2024-04-17T12:18:39.000Z",
    "currencySymbol": "$",
    "currency": "USD"