An Order Rejected event is sent if the OMS or order service completely rejects an order.

Radial supports two different ways to receive event messages from this API and other event-based APIs.

  • If you use the queue-based implementation with AMQP, each event is sent in its own OrderRejected message. These events can be sent in XML or JSON.

  • If you use the webhooks-based implementation, a set of events is grouped together in an OrderRejectedList message. These list events can be sent in XML or JSON.

XML Schemas:

Order Rejected Message

For queue-based implementations, a new OrderRejected message is generated for each new event.

Queue name: q.Order.Rejected.<StoreCode>.2-0

Single-Event Message Example

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderRejected xmlns="">
    <SourceId type="SELLER">TMS_US</SourceId>
            at com.yantra.yfs.core.YFSEventManager.execFlow(
            at com.yantra.yfs.core.YFSEventManager.execAction(
            at com.yantr</ShortDescription>
        <Description> Duplicate Webstore Order No. </Description>

OrderRejectedList Message

For Webhooks-based implementations, Order Rejected events are grouped together in one OrderRejectedList message.

Event List Message Example

Copy this code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrderRejectedList xmlns="">
    <SourceId type="SELLER">TMS_US</SourceId>
            at com.yantra.yfs.core.YFSEventManager.execFlow(
            at com.yantra.yfs.core.YFSEventManager.execAction(
            at com.yantr</ShortDescription>
        <Description> Duplicate Webstore Order No. </Description>

Example: JSON Format

Note: If you want to use the JSON format, contact your Radial representative for the XML to JSON mappings.

Copy this code sample.
    "customerOrderId": "0002672836193653",
    "orderCreateTimestamp": "2024-04-17T06:22:44.744Z",
    "storeId": "TMSUS",
    "reason": {
        "code": "ValidationException",
        "text": "Either Tender type [ZZZ] or LegacyPaymentType not configured for payment type [PREPAID_CARD]"