Upload Items in Bulk
This endpoint enables you to upload 1000 or fewer items at once. The items are specified in a .csv file.
Resource |
POST /item-service/clients/{clientid}/upload |
Headers |
-H 'Authorization: Basic ************************************ (Code supplied by Radial.) -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'apiKey: ********************************' (API Key supplied by Radial.) -F 'filename=@"/C:/Users/userid/Desktop/filename.csv"' |
Sample Request URL |
https://tst04-epapi-na.gsipartners.com/item-service/clients/TMSNA/upload |
Examples and .CSV File Layout
Sample Request
You must include a .csv file that defines the items to be uploaded. The following sample file is an example of an Item Master upload.
Sample file: ItemMasterUpload.csv

HTTP Status 200: Successful upload.
"errItemList": {
"entry": []
"fileName": "test5.csv",
"itemCount": 15,
"rejectedItemCount": 0,
"uploadedItemCount": 15,
"uploadedTime": "2023-10-20T21:06:27.265Z"
HTTP Status 200: Successful upload showing one failed item. Note that the response indicates the number of failed items, but does not specifically name the item.
"errItemList": {
"entry": [
"key": "badkeyname",
"value": {
"errMsg": [
"upcs : type and value must be specified"
"fileName": "test5fail.csv",
"itemCount": 15,
"rejectedItemCount": 1,
"uploadedItemCount": 14,
"uploadedTime": "2024-02-13T20:13:04.337Z"
HTTP Status 400: Unsuccessful upload. The response includes the reason for the failure; in this case, the file contained more than 1000 records.
"category": "VALIDATION",
"description": "The maximum record count of 1000 has been exceeded"
HTTP Status 403: Forbidden. You do not have access to perform this function.
HTTP Status 415: Unsuccessful upload. The response includes the reason for the failure.
"category" : "VALIDATION",
"code" : "INTERNAL",
"description" : "HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type"
HTTP Status 500: Unsuccessful upload. The response includes the reason for the failure.
"category": "INTERNAL",
"code": "INTERNAL",
"description": "Index for header 'CatalogId' is 1 but CSVRecord only has 1 values!"
HTTP Status 500: Unsuccessful upload. The response includes the reason for the failure; in this case, there was an error on the server attempting to update the item.

Field Name | Data Type | Field Rules | Is Required | Description |
ClientId | String | Yes | An identifier, provided by Radial, that describes the retailer's organization.It allows for separation of reporting, data within interfaces, etc. | |
CatalogId | String | Yes | An identifer, provided by Radial, used to ensure uniqueness of all items across selling channels. | |
ClientItemId | String | Max is 20 | Yes | The retailer's unique item identifier. |
UPC0 | Numeric | No | The full value of the primary UPC. | |
UPC0_Type | String | Conditional | Indicates the type ofprimary UPC.Required if "UPC0" is passed. | |
UPC1 | Numeric | No | The full value of the secondary UPC. | |
UPC1_Type | String | Conditional | Indicates the type ofsecpmdaru UPC.Required if "UPC1" is passed. | |
UPC2 | Numeric | No | The full value of the tertiary UPC. | |
UPC2_Type | String | Conditional | Indicates the type oftertiary UPC.Required if "UPC2" is passed. | |
ItemDescription | String | Max is 256 | No | Short description of the item. |
ItemType | String | Max is 100 | Yes | The type of the item.Radial will provide a list of allowable values. |
ItemStatus | String | Max is 12 | No | The status of the item, which should always be hardcoded as "Active". |
TaxCode | String | Max is 40 | Yes | The Radial Inc-assigned tax group to which the item belongs. |
BrandName | String | No | The selling and promotional name used to identify a product for advertising and name recognition purposes. | |
BrandDescription | String | No | Description of the brand. | |
CountryOfOrigin | String | Max is 2 | Conditional | The ISO code representing the country in which the item was completely derived or manufactured.Required for international shipping. |
SalesClass | String | Max is 25 | No | See ROM Item Master element table for list. |
DeptNumber | String | Max is 25 | No | Unique value representing the product hierarchy level 1 (department). |
SubDeptNumber | String | Max is 25 | No | Unique value representing the product hierarchy level 2 (subdepartment). |
ClassNumber | String | Max is 25 | No | Unique value representing the product hierarchy level 3 (class). |
SubClass | String | Max is 25 | No | Unique value representing the product hierarchy level 4 (subclass). |
ColorCode | String | Max is 40 | No | A code representing the specific color. |
ColorDescription | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | Description of the color.Required if "ColorCode" is passed. |
ColorLocale | String | Max is 5 | Conditional | The ISO code representing a specific geographical, political, or cultural region for the associated "ColorDescription". Examples: "en_US" or "fr_CA". |
SizeCode | String | Max is 40 | No | A code representing the specific size. |
SizeDescription | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | Description of the size.Required if "SizeCode" is passed. |
SizeLocale | String | Max is 5 | Conditional | The ISO code representing a specific geographical, political, or cultural region for the associated "SizeDescription". Examples: "en_US" or "fr_CA". |
StyleId | String | Max is 15 | No | A code that identifies the specific appearance type or variety in which an item is available. |
StyleDescription | String | No | A short description or title of the style for the item. | |
IsDropShipped | Boolean | No | Specifies if the item can be fulfilled using a drop shipper.If not passed, this defaults to false. False = Item cannot be fulfilled by a drop shipper True = Item can be fulfilled by a drop shipper | |
HazmatCode | String | Max is 4 | No | The UN# for a hazmat item.Hazardous Material codes must be worked out in advance with Radial.Do not use codes that have not been agreed to in advance. |
Attribute0_Name | String | Max is 50 | No | The name of the attribute.A list of allowed attribute names can be provided by Radial. |
Attribute0_Value | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | The value associated to the attribute name. |
Attribute1_Name | String | Max is 50 | No | The name of the attribute.A list of allowed attribute names can be provided by Radial. |
Attribute1_Value | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | The value associated to the attribute name. |
Attribute2_Name | String | Max is 50 | No | The name of the attribute.A list of allowed attribute names can be provided by Radial. |
Attribute2_Value | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | The value associated to the attribute name. |
Attribute3_Name | String | Max is 50 | No | The name of the attribute.A list of allowed attribute names can be provided by Radial. |
Attribute3_Value | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | The value associated to the attribute name. |
Attribute4_Name | String | Max is 50 | No | The name of the attribute.A list of allowed attribute names can be provided by Radial. |
Attribute4_Value | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | The value associated to the attribute name. |
Attribute5_Name | String | Max is 50 | No | The name of the attribute.A list of allowed attribute names can be provided by Radial. |
Attribute5_Value | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | The value associated to the attribute name. |
Attribute6_Name | String | Max is 50 | No | The name of the attribute.A list of allowed attribute names can be provided by Radial. |
Attribute6_Value | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | The value associated to the attribute name. |
Attribute7_Name | String | Max is 50 | No | The name of the attribute.A list of allowed attribute names can be provided by Radial. |
Attribute7_Value | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | The value associated to the attribute name. |
Attribute8_Name | String | Max is 50 | No | The name of the attribute.A list of allowed attribute names can be provided by Radial. |
Attribute8_Value | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | The value associated to the attribute name. |
Attribute9_Name | String | Max is 50 | No | The name of the attribute.A list of allowed attribute names can be provided by Radial. |
Attribute9_Value | String | Max is 255 | Conditional | The value associated to the attribute name. |