
For a customer-returned order, the In-Store Return feed transmits information from a client store (client central system) to Order Management. Order Management updates the order data with the return information. The order is flagged as returned for reporting purposes and to prevent duplicate returns.


  • Default Character Encoding: Unicode: UTF-8
  • Recipient Acknowledgment Required: Yes
  • Exchange Frequency: Client Specific
  • Production Mailbox Location: Client Specific
  • Test Mailbox Location: Client Specific
  • Filename Format: <ClientId>_<StoreId>_InStoreReturn_<YYYYMMDDHHMISS>.xml
  • The filename combined with the mailbox determines the destination of the In Store Return message.


In-store return schema: InStoreReturn.xsd

API Structure

In-store return element table: InStoreReturn.xsd.html


ClosedIn-store Return

In the following example, elements with special meaning for this item type are noted in /*comments*/ before the element.

Copy this code sample.

      /*To match the returned order against the order record in Order Management, you
      must provide either the OriginalOMSOrderID or the OriginalWebOrderNumber. For reference, this
      example includes both values.*/
      /*To match the returned order against the SKU being returned, you must provide either the
      ClientItemId (the client's unique identifier for the SKU) or the OMSItemId (the Radial 
      unique identifier for the SKU). For reference, this example includes both values,
      but you should provide only one of the two values in your InStoreReturnData entry.*/

Data Keys

ISO Standard Definition
Country – ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Country Standard
Currency – ISO 4217 Currency Standard
Time – ISO 8601 Date Time Standard