
Note: The integration described on this page is deprecated. For new integrations, please see the new version at Radial's 3D Secure Solution.

Radial's foundational JavaScript library can be used to quickly integrate with the Radial Payments Framework in order to take advantage of Ajax Tokenization and 3D Secure (3DS) Support. This can be done by simply loading Radial's radial_payments.js and invoking the appropriate methods as needed.

Note: A similar process can be used to encrypt payment card numbers entered in mobile apps. For more information, see Encryption Support for Mobile Apps.

The radial_payments.js can be used for a wide variety of scenarios:

  • Tokenization Only: This call is typically invoked when credit card information is captured without making a purchase. The webstore must use radial_payments.js and call to get token.
  • Tokenization and 3DS Authentication: This call is typically invoked when the customer enters a credit card on the payment screen and places an order. In this case, the webstore is expected to call tokenAndAuthenticate js method provided by Radial.
  • 3DS Authentication with Saved Token: This call is typically invoked when the customer uses a saved card to place an order. In this case, the webstore is expected to invoke the authenticate call provided by Radial passing in the account_token as an input parameter.

The following responses will be returned by Radial at the completion of the Authentication call: SUCCESS, FAILURE, ERROR, NOACTION

If response is a SUCCESS or NOACTION (not enrolled), the account_token, which is the tokenized account number, is generally returned in the json data object of the callback method invoked by Radial.

Including radial_payments.js

When using radial_payments.js, you begin by including the library. Add this script tag to your page:

  • Test Environment
    <script src=http://tst.payments.radial.com/hosted-payments/radial_payments.js></script>
  • Production Environment
    <script src=https://hostedpayments.radial.com/hosted-payments/radial_payments.js></script>

Use Case: Tokenization Only

Use Case: Tokenization and 3DS Authorization

Use Case: Authentication with Saved Token

Testing JavaScript API Integration

Radial offers a set of mock card numbers that can be used when testing your integration with Radial's JavaScript APIs. For details, see Testing JavaScript API Integration.