Afterpay Get Configuration


An Afterpay GetConfiguration call is made to retrieve configuration data for a given web store by tender. The store and tender combination will be used to determine which gateway's configurations to return.

For details of the Afterpay payment workflow, see Afterpay Processing.

URI Summary

Action URI Template URI Example Non-URI Request Response
POST /vM.m/stores/[StoreId]/payments/configuration/get/[Tender].xml /vM.m/stores/TMSUS/payments/configuration/get/AF.xml XML 200 + XML Response containing the configuration values

Request Elements

Element Required Description Type Restriction
/GetConfigurationRequest/@requestId Yes RequestId is used to uniquely identify a request, including as part of idempotent duplicate request processing. The value must be unique. It is recommended to use a variant 4 UUID for the request ID. The same request ID should only be reused if a read timeout occurs when attempting to receive a response from the payment service, or the payment service responds with a fault response. In all other cases a new request ID must be sent for retried requests, including responses such as Fail, Timeout or PaymentProcessorTimeout. String Up to 40 characters

Request Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GetConfigurationRequest xmlns="" requestId="1234567"/>

Response Elements

Element Required Description Type Restriction
ResponseCode Yes ResponseCode of the GetConfiguration request. Includes Success, Fail, and Timeout. String Enumeration: Success, Fail, Timeout
AfterpayConfiguration No A collection of Afterpay Configuration values. There can be more than one Afterpay Configuration per response. ComplexType
AfterpayConfiguration/PaymentType No The type of payment this configuration is for. Currently Afterpay supports only one payment type, PAY_BY_INSTALLMENT, so this value is always returned in the reply for both the v1 and v2 version of the Afterpay API. String
AfterpayConfiguration/MinimumAmount Yes The minimum amount that must be used for a transaction using this configuration to be valid. Represented by a decimal currency with two decimal points. String
AfterpayConfiguration/MinimumAmount/@currencyCode Yes Type of currency used for the MinimumAmount. String 3-character ISO 4217 code (for example, USD, CAD, EUR). See
AfterpayConfiguration/MaximumAmount Yes The maximum amount that can be used for a transaction using this configuration to be valid. Represented by a decimal currency with two decimal points. String
AfterpayConfiguration/MaximumAmount/@currencyCode Yes Type of currency used for the MaximumAmount. String 3-character ISO 4217 code (for example, USD, CAD, EUR). See
AfterpayConfiguration/ExpirationDateTime No The date and time at which this configuration will expire and no longer be valid. dateTime

Success Response Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GetConfigurationReply xmlns=""
        <MinimumAmount currencyCode="USD">99.99</MinimumAmount>
        <MaximumAmount currencyCode="USD">500.00</MaximumAmount>

Success Response Example With Multiple Configurations

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GetConfigurationReply xmlns=""
        <MinimumAmount currencyCode="USD">99.99</MinimumAmount>
        <MaximumAmount currencyCode="USD">500.00</MaximumAmount>
        <MinimumAmount currencyCode="USD">1.99</MinimumAmount>
        <MaximumAmount currencyCode="USD">100.00</MaximumAmount>

Failure Response Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GetConfigurationReply xmlns=""

Timeout Response Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GetConfigurationReply xmlns=""