Fraud Dashboard
Fraud Dashboard displays a summary of your store’s orders as processed by Radial’s Fraud Service.
To view the Fraud Dashboard, in the Fraud Menu, select Dashboard.
Filter the Dashboard by Stores and Date Range
In the Dashboard, information you see is specific to the displayed time period and to the selected stores.
To view information for a selection of stores in a specified time period:
- In the Stores dropdown, make a selection of one of more stores. For more information, see Manage Multiple Stores.
- Select a Time Period. The options are Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 90 Days, Last 6 Months, and Custom Range. If you select Custom Range, use the calendar tool to specify a range of dates.
- Click Submit. The Dashboard displays information based on your selected criteria. The Stores Selected field shows your currently selected stores.
When you are viewing information for a time period that includes today, be aware that the data is refreshed every hour, which means there can be a delay after an order is processed by the Fraud Service before the order’s information is included on the Fraud Dashboard.
When you use the Dashboard to compare today’s information to that of a previous day, remember that today’s data inherently includes only a partial day’s data, whereas data for days in the past include the full day.
Use Tooltip Help
Graphs on the Dashboard can display tooltip help with details for a data point and general information about each graph.
To use tooltip help on a data point, hover over a colored element on the graph. After about one second, a tooltip displays details for the data point.
For a general explanation of a graph, hover over the question mark icon at the top right corner of the graph. A tooltip explains the meaning of the graph and the scope of information it includes.
Orders Evaluated for Fraud
The Orders Evaluated for Fraud circle chart shows approved orders and denied orders for the selected stores and time period. It includes both systematically processed orders and manually processed orders.
Please note: this chart’s data includes orders processed for fraud and dispositioned as Approved or Denied. It does not include orders still being processed or in Suspended status.
You can view this chart by number of orders or by total value of orders.
- To view by number of orders, click the shopping cart icon ().
- To view by total value, click the dollar sign icon ().
Declines by Reason
The Declines by Reason circle chart shows a breakdown of declined orders by reason code.
The following reason codes are included:
- Fraud Cancel (XU): cancelled for fraud-related reasons
- Other Policy (XP): non-fraud, client-requested cancellations
- Customer Directed: non-fraud, customer-directed cancellations
- Test Orders: client-submitted test orders
This chart can be viewed by number of orders or by total value of orders.
- To view by number of orders, click the shopping cart icon ().
- To view by total value, click the dollar sign icon ().
To download the reason code data in CSV format, click Download CSV.
Fraud Rules Triggered
The Fraud Rules Triggered circle chart shows a breakdown of declined orders by the category of fraud rule that was triggered while evaluating the order.
The following fraud rule categories are included:
- Address Check
- Distance
- Geography
- History
- Product
- IP Address
- Machine Learning
- Tender
- Negative List
- Velocity Risk
Each colored segment of the graph shows the share of orders associated with a fraud rule category. To see the name of the rule category, hover the mouse pointer over the graph segment.
This chart can be viewed by number of orders or by percentage of orders.
- To view by number of orders, click the shopping cart icon ().
- To view by percent, click the percent icon ().
The Conversion panel shows conversion rate, as a percentage of the total number of orders processed for fraud.
Conversion is calculated as systematic or manually approved orders divided by the total demand orders processed for fraud. The calculation does not include orders still being processed or in Suspended status.
Average Order Value
The Average Order Value panel shows the average value of processed orders.
The main number shows the average value of all processed orders. The lower left figure show the average value of approved orders. The lower right figure shows the average value for declined orders.
Manual Review
The Manual Review panel shows the percentage of orders that were processed for fraud manually (as opposed to systematically) during the time period selected. This calculation includes orders processed for fraud and dispositioned as Approved or Denied. It does not include orders still being processed or in Suspended status.