The Phone Summary dashboard provides an overview of phone-based customer care activity.

Note: This dashboard is also available in an alternative version titled D01 Phone Summary IsAvg. That version displays all of the same data items, but it shows metrics that are calculated using IsAvg logic.


The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Date: specify a range of dates for this dashboard's data

  • Seller Name

  • Store Name

  • Agent Region

Data Items

Phone Service Level

The percentage of calls that meet performance targets.

Threshold shows the agreed target percentage for phone service level.


Average speed to answer, in seconds, for incoming customer calls.

Threshold (S) shows the agreed target for the number of seconds to answer an incoming call.

Abandon Rate (N)

The percentage of abandoned calls, calls where the customer hung up before speaking to an agent.

Threshold shows the agreed target ceiling for abandon rate.

% to Client Locked

The number of incoming calls, expressed as a percentage of the client's locked forecast.

Client Locked Calls shows the number of calls expected in the time period, according to the client's locked forecast.

Contacts Per Order

The ratio of phone contacts per order. Click the number to slide open the CPO Trends graph.

Order Count shows the number of orders.

CPO Trends

This line and bar graph shows the trend by day for phone contacts per order (CPO). To view the CPO Trends graph, click the number under CPO. The graph slides open. To hide the graph, click the X at the top right of the graph.

CPO is graphed as a line against the numeric scale on the right. Daily Order Count and Agent Calls Offered are graphed as bars against the numeric sale on the left.

On-Shore Split

The percentage of calls handled by agents based in North America. Click the number to slide open the Phone by Region panel. The panel slides open below the North American Split widget.

Off-Shore Split shows the percentage of calls handled by agents outside North America.

Phone by Region

This slide-open panel shows information about phone response by region. To open the panel, click the number in North America Split. To close the panel, click the X at the right side of the panel's top bar.

Split is a pie chart that shows the overall share of calls handled by region.

Agent Calls Handled and AHT by Region is a line and bar graph that shows activity by region. Average handle time (AHT) is graphed as a line against the numeric scale above the graph. Calls Handled is graphed as bars against the numeric scale below the graph.

Agent Calls Handled is a stacked bar chart that shows the daily trend in number of calls handled by region.

ASA is a line graph that shows the daily trend in average speed to answer (ASA) by region.

Agent Phone Stats

Offered shows the number of calls that reached the queue to be answered by agents.

Handled shows the number of calls in which an agent spoke to a caller.

Abandoned (N) shows the number of calls in which a customer hung up before speaking to an agent.

Avg Handle Time (S) shows average handle time in seconds. Handle time is the time an agent spent handling a customer's issue, calculated as talk time (ATT) + after call work (ACW) + hold time.

Avg Talk Time (S) shows the average talk time in seconds. Talk time is the time of the actual conversation between agent and customer.

Avg Aftercall Work Time (S) shows the average after call work in seconds. After call work is the time an agent spent handling a customer's issue after the call ended.

Avg Hold Time (S) shows the average number of seconds that a customer is on hold during the course of a call.

Max Delay (S) shows the longest time any single customer waited before reaching an agent.

Volume Metrics

This line and bar graph shows the trend over time for the number of calls. The client locked forecast for number of calls is graphed as a line against the numeric scale on the left side of the graph. The number of calls offered to and handled by agents are graphed as bars against the same numeric scale.

You can see values graphed by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit of the graph, make a selection from the Select Time Period menu, above the graphs, and click Apply.

(Service Level Trend)

This line and bar graph shows the trend over time for three measures expressed as percentages: service level performance; call volume as a percentage of the client locked forecast; and call abandon rate. These measures are graphed against the percentage scale on the left side of the graph.

You can see values graphed by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit of the graph, make a selection from the Select Time Period menu, above the graphs, and click Apply.

Top 5 Phone Dispositions

This pie chart shows the fivemost common disposition codes for phone calls.

You can jump from this pie chart to the second-level Phone Contact Reasons dashboard. To jump, right-click any pie segment, and select Jump to Contact Reasons Dashboard in the popup menu. The target dashboard opens in a new browser tab. For more information, see Phone Contact Reasons, below.

(Abandoned Calls Trend)

This line and bar graph shows the trend over time for average speed to answer (ASA) and percentage of abandoned calls. ASA is graphed as bars against the scale of number of seconds on the left side of the graph. Abandoned calls is graphed as a line against the percentage scale on the right side of the graph.

You can see values graphed by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit of the graph, make a selection from the Select Time Period menu, above the graphs, and click Apply.

Calls Handled as % of Total Handled Contacts

This bar chart shows the share of total handled contacts that are handled as phone calls (instead of other customer service channels). The phone share is graphed as a bar against the percentage scale on the left side of the graph.

You can see values graphed by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit of the graph, make a selection from the Select Time Period menu, above the graphs, and click Apply.

(Call Time Trend)

This stacked bar chart shows the trend in average time to handle a call, with the total split into three segments: Avg. ACW (after call work), Avg Hold (hold time during a call), Avg Talk (talk time). These are graphed against the scale of number of seconds on the left side of the graph.

You can see values graphed by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit of the graph, make a selection from the Select Time Period menu, above the graphs, and click Apply.

Phone Contact Reasons Dashboard

Phone Contact Reasons is a second-level dashboard. You can reach it from Top 5 Phone Dispositions in the main Phone dashboard. To open this dashboard:

  1. In Top 5 Phone Dispositions, right-click any pie chart segment.

  2. Select Jump to Contact Reasons Dashboard in the popup menu.

The second-level dashboard opens in a new browser tab. To return to the main Phone dashboard, close the tab for the second-level dashboard.

The filters panel for the second-level dashboard offers the same filter options as the main Phone dashboard. Note that the second-level dashboard's filters operate independently from the filters of the main dashboard. You can change the filters of the second-level dashboard without affecting the data in the main dashboard.

Top 10 Phone Contact Reasons

This pie chart shows the relative share of each of the ten most common contact reasons for phone calls.

Top 10 Phone Dispositions

This pie chart shows the relative share of each of the ten most common dispositions for phone calls.

Top 10 Phone Contact Reason Trend

This line graph shows the daily trend in contact reasons for phone calls.

Top 10 Phone Disposition Trend

This line graph shows the daily trend in dispositions for phone calls.

Contact Reason Metric Summary

This table shows the total number of phone calls for each contact reason.

Disposition Metric Summary

This table shows the total number of phone calls for each disposition.