D02 Email Service Level
The Email Service Level dashboard summarizes response time performance against the service level threshold for incoming emails.
The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.
Date: specify a range of dates for this dashboard's data
Seller Name
Store Name
Data Items
Avg Response Time (H)
The average time in hours to send a response to a customer's email.
Threshold shows the agreed target for the number of hours to answer an incoming email.
Service Level
The percentage of email interactions that met the target for response time.
Threshold shows the target for the percentage of emails meeting the target for response time.
% to Client Locked
The number of incoming emails, expressed as a percentage of the client's locked forecast. Click the number to slide open the CLF History panel. The panel slides open below the % to CLF widget.
Client Locked shows the number of incoming emails in the client's locked forecast.
Email Response Count by Bucket
For this bar chart, incoming emails are sorted into six buckets, based on the response time of the individual email case, where 100% is the average response time threshold. For example, the 100-125% bucket counts all emails where the response time was longer than the threshold, but less than 125% of the threshold. The 0-100% bucket counts all emails where the response time was shorter than the threshold.
This chart shows the number of emails in each of the buckets. Note that the numeric scale for this chart is logarithmic, because the counts in each bucket can vary by orders of magnitude.
Email Response Time by Bucket
This pie chart uses the same six buckets, and it shows the aggregate response time for emails in each bucket.
Email Response Count by Bucket Trend
This stacked bar chart shows the trend over time for the number of emails in each of the six response time buckets.
Service Level Detail Trend
This line and bar graph shows the trend in email volume and service level.
% to Forecast (CL) shows email volume as a percentage of the client's locked forecast, graphed as a line against the percentage scale to the right of the graph.
Service Level shows the percentage of email interactions that met the target for response time, graphed as a line against the percentage scale to the right of the graph.
Responses Out of SLA and Responses in SLA show the number of responses in each category as stacked bars, graphed against the numeric scale to the left of the graph.
Out of SLA Responses by Disposition
This area graph shows the relative share of disposition values among out-of-SLA email responses. Hover over a box for more details about the specific disposition value.