D01 Customer Experience
The Customer Experience dashboard summarizes Customer Experience (CX) metrics for the selected store and time period.
The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.
Activity Date: specify a range of dates for this dashboard's data
Seller Name
Store Name
Contact Type: for example, Call, Chat, Email
Data Items
Radial CX Model
Radial Customer Experience (CX) Model is Radial’s overall customer experience metric. This score is a measure of satisfaction throughout the customer journey.The Radial CX Model measures the voice of the customer, using data points derived from language syntax, metadata, call flow, acoustics, and emotion. The score range is 0 to 100, where higher numbers indicate better results.
The following four measures are the Radial CX Model's major components: First Contact Resolution, Loyalty, Effort, and Satisfaction.
Radial CX FCR
Customer Experience First Contact Resolution (FCR) measures the contact back rate. Phone number and contextual language indicators are used to determine the percentage of customer issues that are resolved during the customer's first contact.
Radial CX Loyalty
Customer Experience Loyalty measures the customer's loyalty to the brand. This is derived from the customer's positive brand statements or the negative presence of churn language.
Radial CX Satisfaction
Customer Experience Satisfaction measures the overall satisfaction (on a % scale) the customer felt throughout the contact. This value is measured through absence of anger, disappointment, escalation, frustration, and profanity as indicated by emotion, acoustics, and language.
Radial CX Effort
Customer Experience Effort measures (on a % scale) the effort a customer must apply within a contact to reach resolution. A lower score means that the customer was required to apply more effort to aide in resolution. Hold/transfer rate decreases the customer effort score, and repetition does also. Acoustic indicators of silence or agitation lower this score as well.
Select Time Period
For the following graphs, you can see values graphed by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit of the graphs, make a selection from the Select Time Period menu, and click Apply.
Contact Sentiment
This pie chart summarizes customers' overall sentiment per contact.
Radial CX Model by Contact Type
This line graph shows the trend over time for Radial CX Model score for each customer contact type.
Radial CX Trends
The line graph shows the trend over time for five CX measures: Radial CX Model and its four major components.
RAIN Categorization
This pie chart shows the reasons for customer contact. RAIN categorization is a method for tagging the customer's reasons for initiating contact. Compared to most case management systems, which enter only one reason per contact, RAIN provides a more holistic picture of the true reason for customer contact, and it allows for a greater understanding and trending for top contact reasons and top customer issues.
Contact Trend
This line graph shows the trend over time of the number of customer contacts per customer contact type.