The Order Overview Dashboard totals the actual orders received during the selected time period. You can view data summarized by number of orders or by number of units.


The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Activity Date: specify a range of dates for the order activity reported on this dashboard.
  • Seller Name
  • Region
  • Facility Name
  • Order Type

Data Items (Orders)

Click Orders on the top row of the dashboard to see the dashboard's data summarized by number of orders. The following data items are displayed.

Total Interfaced Orders

The total number of orders received during the selected time period.

Interfaced Amount shows the total monetary value of the interfaced orders.

Total Shipped Orders

The total number of orders shipped during the selected time period.

Shipped Amount shows the total monetary value of the shipped orders.

Total Cancelled Orders

The total number of orders cancelled during the selected time period.

Cancelled Amount shows the total monetary value of the cancelled orders.

Multi-Unit Interfaced Order%

The share of interfaced orders that included two or more units.

Click the number to jump to the Single/Multi Unit Orders dashboard for deeper information related to this data point. The Single/Multi Unit Orders dashboard opens in a new browser tab.

UPO shows the average number of units per order for multi-unit orders.

Order Activity Trend

This line and bar graph shows the trend over time of order activity. Orders Interfaced and Orders Shipped are shown as bars graphed against the numerical scale on the left side of the graph. Orders Cancelled is graphed as a line against the numerical scale on the right side of the graph.

You can see values graphed by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit of the graph, make a selection from the Select Period View menu, and click Apply.

Order Summary by Activity Date

This table summarizes orders and units whose activity date falls within the selected time period.

You can see values summarized by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit for each table row, make a selection from the Select Period View menu (above the graph), and click Apply.




The time period for this row of order data.

Total Interfaced Orders

The number of orders interfaced during this time period.

Total Shipped Orders

The number of orders shipped during this time period.

Total Shipped Units

The number of units shipped during this time period.

Total Cancelled Orders

The number of orders cancelled during this time period.

Total Interfaced Amount

The total monetary value of units interfaced during this time period.

Total Shipped Amount

The total monetary value of units shipped during this time period.

Total Cancelled Amount

The total monetary value of units cancelled during this time period.

Order Summary by Interfaced Date

This table summarizes orders and units whose interfaced date falls within the selected time period.

You can see values summarized by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit for each table row, make a selection from the Select Period View menu (above the graph), and click Apply.



Interfaced Date

The row of data refers to orders that were interfaced during this time period.

Total Order Count

The total number of orders interfaced during the period.

Open Order Count

The number of orders interfaced during the period that are still open.

Open Order%

The orders that are still open, expressed as a percentage of the total order count.

Open Order Amount

The total monetary value of open orders.

Shipped Order Count

The number of orders interfaced during the period that have been shipped.

Shipped Order%

The orders that have been shipped, expressed as a percentage of the total order count.

Cancelled Order Count

The number of orders interfaced during the period that have been cancelled.

Cancelled Order%

The orders that have been cancelled, expressed as a percentage of the total order count.

Cancelled Unit Count

The number of units that have been cancelled.

Data Items (Units)

Click Units on the top row of the dashboard to see the dashboard's data summarized by number of units. The following data items are displayed.

Total Interfaced Units

The total number of units in orders received during the selected time period.

Interfaced Amount shows the total monetary value of the units in interfaced orders.

Total Shipped Units

The total number of units shipped during the selected time period.

Shipped Amount shows the total monetary value of the shipped units.

Total Cancelled Units

The total number of units cancelled during the selected time period.

Cancelled Amount shows the total monetary value of the cancelled units.

Multi-Unit Interfaced Unit%

The share of total interfaced unit count for units that were included in orders with two or more units.

UPO shows the average number of units per order for multi-unit orders.

Order Activity (Units) Trend

This line and bar graph shows the trend over time of order activity, measured in number of units. Units Interfaced and Units Shipped are shown as bars graphed against the numerical scale on the left side of the graph. Units Cancelled is graphed as a line against the numerical scale on the right side of the graph.

You can see values graphed by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit of the graph, make a selection from the Select Period View menu, and click Apply.

Order Summary by Activity Date

This table summarizes orders and units whose activity date falls within the selected time period.

You can see values summarized by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit for each table row, make a selection from the Select Period View menu (above the graph), and click Apply.




The time period for this row of order data.

Total Interfaced Units

The number of units interfaced during this time period.

Total Shipped Units

The number of units shipped during this time period.

Total Cancelled Units

The number of units cancelled during this time period.

Interfaced UPO

The average number of units per order for orders interfaced during this time period.

Total Interfaced Amount

The total monetary value of units interfaced during this time period.

Total Shipped Amount

The total monetary value of units shipped during this time period.

Total Cancelled Amount

The total monetary value of units cancelled during this time period.

Exclude Cancel Reasons in Fill Rate

This popup list lets you select cancel reason codes and exclude them from the fill rate calculation in the Order Summary (Units) by Interfaced Date table below.

To exclude a reason code, click the button. A list of reason codes displays. Select the codes to exclude, and click Apply.

Order Summary (Units) by Interfaced Date

This table summarizes orders and units whose interfaced date falls within the selected time period.

You can see values summarized by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit for each table row, make a selection from the Select Period View menu (above the graph), and click Apply.



Interfaced Date

The row of data refers to units in orders that were interfaced during this time period.

Total Unit Count

The total number of units interfaced during the period.

Open Unit Count

The number of units interfaced during the period that are still open.

Open Unit%

The units that are still open, expressed as a percentage of the total units count.

Open Order Amount

The total monetary value of open orders.

Shipped Unit Count

The number of units interfaced during the period that have been shipped.

Shipped Unit%

The units that have been shipped, expressed as a percentage of the total units count.

Cancelled Unit Count

The number of orders interfaced during the period that have been cancelled.

Cancelled Unit%

The units that have been cancelled, expressed as a percentage of the total units count.

Single/Multi-Unit Orders

To reach the Single/Multi-Unit Orders drill-down view, click the Multi-Unit Interfaced Order% widget (in Orders view) or Multi-Unit Interfaced Unit% widget (in Units view). Single/Multi-Unit Orders opens in a new browser window.

Multi-Unit Interfaced Orders

The total number of orders that included two or more units.

Single-Unit Interfaced Orders

The total number of orders that included one unit.

Multi-Unit Interfaced Order%

The share of total order count for orders that included two or more units.

Single-Unit Interfaced Order%

The share of total order count for orders that included only one unit.

Single/Multi-Unit Interfaced Order Trend

This stacked line graph shows the trend for the number of single- and multi-unit orders.

You can see values graphed by Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years. To change the time period of the graph, make a selection from the Select Period View menu, and click the Apply button.

To see numerical values for a data point, hover over a bar or a point on a line.

Single/Multi-Unit Order Summary

This table shows specific numeric data for interfaced and shipped orders overall, multi-unit orders, and single-unit orders.

You can see values summarized by Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years. To change the time period of each table row, make a selection from the Select Period View menu (above the graph), and click the Apply button.