The Top & Tail End Sold SKUs dashboard lists the most- and least-sold SKUs for the selected time period.


The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Order Shipped Date: specify a range of dates to see information for orders that were shipped during that period
  • Seller Name

  • Facility Name

  • Order Type

Data Items

Unique SKU Sold Count

The number of different SKUs sold during the selected time period.

Total Orders Shipped

The total count of orders shipped during the selected time period.

Total Units Shipped

The total count of units shipped during the selected time period.

SKU Sold Pareto - Units Sold%

This line and bar graph shows the cumulative percentage of units sold for each decile of SKUs, starting with the most-sold SKUs. The bars indicate the cumulative number of SKUs as you add each decile to the running total. The line points indicate the cumulative percentage of units for the SKUs represented in the corresponding bars. The final line point always shows 100% of units, and the final bar indicates the total number of SKUs sold.

Enter Rank

Choose a number of SKUs to display in the Top and Bottom SKUs lists below. Type a number in Enter Rank, then click Apply Rank.

Top SKUs

This bar graph shows the number of sales for the most-sold SKUs.

Bottom SKUs

This bar graph shows the number of sales for the least-sold SKUs.

Item Description - Top SKUs

This table shows ID and description information for the most-sold SKUs.



Item Number

A unique identifier for the item. Typically, Radial-assigned catalog ID followed by client-assigned SKU number for the item.

Customer Item Number The client's unique identifier for the item.

UPC Number

Universal Product Code, a manufacturer-assigned number that corresponds to a barcode for the item.

Item Description

A text description of the item or SKU.


The SKU’s rank among top SKUs.

Units Sold

The number of units of this SKU sold in the selected time period.

Item Description - Bottom SKUs

This table shows ID and description information for the least-sold SKUs.



Item Number

A unique identifier for the item. Typically, Radial-assigned catalog ID followed by client-assigned SKU number for the item.

Customer Item Number The client's unique identifier for the item.

UPC Number

Universal Product Code, a manufacturer-assigned number that corresponds to a barcode for the item.

Item Description

A text description of the item or SKU.


The SKU’s rank among bottom SKUs.

Units Sold

The number of units of this SKU sold in the selected time period.