The Receiving Overview dashboard displays information about units received at a facility.


The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Activity Date: specify a range of dates to see information about units received during that period.
  • Seller Name
  • Facility Name
  • PO ASN Type: the type of source for the ASN. The following values are available for selection:
    • X = ASN was created for a PO

    • YES = ASN was created, not against a PO

    • NO = Unknown how ASN was created

  • Channel Type

Data Items

Received Units

The number of units received during the specified time period.

Putaway Units

The number of received units that have been put away and are ready to pick and ship.

Received SKU Count

The number of different SKUs for received units.

Trend by Activity Date

This bar chart show units received and putaway in each time interval.

You can see values graphed by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit, make a selection from the Select Time Period menu, and click Apply.

PO ASN Summary by Activity Date

This table summarizes, by time period, POs and ASNs interfaced and units interfaced, received, and put away.

You can see values summarized by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit, make a selection from the Select Time Period menu, and click Apply.




Time period for this line's data.

Total Interfaced PO/ASNs

Number of POs and ASNs interfaced.

Total Interfaced Units

Total of units in the interfaced POs and ASNs.

Received Units

Number of units actually received on the ASN line.

Putaway Units

Number of units received and put away.

PO ASN Summary by Interface Date

This table summarizes, by time period, the units expected, received, and put away.

You can see values summarized by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit, make a selection from the Select Time Period menu, and click Apply.



PO ASN Interfaced Date

Date on which an advanced shipping notice (ASN) was interfaced.

Expected units

Number of units expected on the ASN line.

Received Units

Number of units actually received on the ASN line.

Open to Receive Units

Number of units expected but not yet received.

Putaway Units

Number of units received and put away.

Open to Putaway Units

Number of units received and not yet put away.

Open to Putaway %

The units received and not yet put away, expressed as a percentage of all units received.

Putaway Units%

The units received and put away, expressed as a percentage of all units received.