R01 Inbound Transaction Details
The filter pane for this report includes the following filters.
- Activity Date: specify a range of dates to see information for that period. This dashboard's data is limited to the last 90 days.
- Seller Name
- Facility Name
- PO ASN Type: the
type of source for the ASN. The following values are available for selection:
X = ASN was created for a PO
YES = ASN was created, not against a PO
NO = Unknown how ASN was created
PO Number
ASN Number
Item Number
Client Item Number
UPC Number
Channel (B2B or EB2C)
Data Elements
The Inbound Transaction Details report shows a transaction-level view of items received.
Column |
Description |
Seller Name |
The name of the seller or sub-client, as set up in the order management system. |
Seller ID |
A unique identifier for the seller or sub-client, as set up in the order management system. Usually a seller corresponds to one sales channel, for example, a webstore serving a particular geographic region operating under a particular name. |
Facility Name |
Name of the warehouse or distribution center. |
Facility ID |
Unique identifier for the warehouse or distribution center. |
PO Number |
Client purchase order (PO) number of the ASN line. Blank if the ASN was not received against a PO. |
ASN Number |
The advanced shipping notice number of the line that is being received. |
PO-ASN Type |
The type of source for the ASN. Values are based on how the ASN was created. X = ASN was created for a PO YES = ASN was created, not against a PO NO = Unknown how ASN was created |
Item Number |
A unique identifier for the item. Typically, Radial-assigned catalog ID followed by client-assigned SKU number for the item. |
Client Item Number |
The client's unique identifier for the item. |
UPC Number |
Universal Product Code, a manufacturer-assigned number that corresponds to a barcode for the item. |
Item Description |
A text description of the item or SKU. |
Unit Price |
Unit cost of the SKU. If this information is not provided by the seller, the value is set to $0. |
Retail Price |
Unit selling price of the SKU. If this information is not provided by the seller, the value is set to $0. |
LPN Number |
An identifier for a pallet or grouping of containers in shipping. |
Received Date |
Date when the items in the PO or ASN were received. |
Received Units |
Number of units of this SKU actually received on the ASN line. |
Putaway Date |
Date when the items in the PO or ASN were put away. |
Putaway Units |
Number of units of this SKU putaway on the ASN line. |