The Backorder Analysis dashboard summarizes orders and units that are currently on backorder.


The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Seller Name

  • Fulfillment Location

Data Items

Backordered Orders

The number of orders that are being filled through backorder.

Backordered Units

The number of units that are backordered to fill orders.

Backordered Amount

The monetary value of backordered units.

Backordered Trend

This line graph shows the trend over time of backorders. The number of backordered units is graphed against the numeric scale on the left side of the graph. The monetary value of backordered units is graphed against the monetary scale on the right side of the graph.

Below the main graph, a thumbnail graph shows the full time period available to display. To change the time period selection in the main graph, drag the thumbs of the marquee rectangle in the thumbnail graph, or drag the entire marquee rectangle left or right.

Top 10 Backordered SKUs

This table lists the 10 SKUs with the largest backordered quantities.



SKU Name

An identifier that is used by merchants to organize the tracking of products and services offered to customers.


The text description associated with the SKU.


The SKU's rank among the most backordered SKUs.

Backorder Units

Number of backordered units for this SKU.

Backordered Detail

This table shows order, SKU, and customer detail for orders that were filled through backorder.



Seller Name

Sales channel (store) name.

Order Date

The date on which the order was placed.


Identifier for the order in the Order Management System.

Order ID

The webstore's identifier for the order.

Order Line

Order line number.

Ordering System

The Radial order entry service responsible for processing the order.

Catalog ID

Identifier for the catalog.

SKU Name

An identifier that is used by merchants to organize the tracking of products and services offered to customers.


SKU description.

Vendor SKU

The vendor’s identifier for a product. May also be known as Vendor Part Number (VPN).

Supplier Name

Supplier of goods or services of a commercial nature; may be a manufacturer, importer, or wholesale distributor.


Currency of the order.

PO Number

The purchase order number Radial placed with a vendor.

First Name

Identifies the first name of the customer – stored in “my account” as the default billing name.

Last Name

Identifies the last name of the customer – stored in “my account” as the default billing name.


The e-mail address of the customer who placed the order.

Shipping Address 1

Address line 1 of the customer’s shipping address.

Shipping Address 2

Address line 2 of the customer’s shipping address.

Shipping Address 3

Address line 3 of the customer’s shipping address.

Shipping City

Address city of the customer’s shipping address.

Shipping State

Address state/province of the customer’s shipping address.

Shipping Zip

Address zip/postal code of the customer’s shipping address.


Customer's phone number.

Seller ID

Alphanumeric identifier for the seller/store.

Department Number

A code that represents the department hierarchy.


Represents a hierarchical structure for the product.


Number of units backordered.

Demand Gross Product

Current retail price for the product prior to product promotions.