D03 Cancellation Analysis
The Cancellation dashboard summarizes information about orders that were cancelled after being placed and the reasons for cancellation.
The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.
- Date: specify a range of dates for this dashboard's data.
- Seller Name
- Fulfillment Location
Customer Cancel Reason: select one or more cancel reason codes
Data Items
Cancelled Units shows the total number of units cancelled. Click the number to jump to a second-level dashboard for deeper information related to this data point. The new dashboard opens in a new browser tab.
Value shows the monetary value of the cancelled units.
Unit Summary by Reason
This pie chart shows the portion of cancelled units that are attributed to each cancellation reason code.
Unit Summary by Value
This pie chart shows the portion of the monetary value of the cancelled units that are attributed to each cancellation reason code.
Cancellation Trend by Order Date
This line graph shows the trend over time of cancellations. The number of cancelled units is graphed against the numeric scale on the right side of the graph. The percentage of total units that were cancelled is graphed against the percentage scale on the left side of the graph.
You can see values graphed by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly time units. To change the time unit of the graph, make a selection from the Select Time Period menu above the graphs, and click Apply.