The Tender Type Analysis dashboard shows the mix of tender types that customers used to pay for orders.


The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Invoice Date: specify a range of dates to see information for orders with invoice dates in that period.
  • Seller Name

Data Items

Invoiced Orders (#) by Tender Type

This pie chart shows the portion of invoiced orders that were paid by each tender type.

Tender Amount ($) by Tender Type

This pie chart shows each tender type’s share of the total monetary amount of orders.

# of Customers by Tender Type

This pie chart shows each tender type’s share of the customer population.

Tender Type Details by Currency

This table shows summary information, organized by currency, seller, and ordering system, for each tender type used to pay for orders.




Currency of the order.

Seller Name

Sales channel (store) name.

Ordering System

The Radial order entry service responsible for processing the order

Invoice Date

The date on which the invoice is created in the OMS.


The type of payment collected.

Tender Description

A description for the type of payment collected.

Tender Amount

The amount of money charged per tender type. The tender amount is the sum of the Fulfillment Net + Fulfillment Freight + Fulfillment Tax + Net Duty (where applicable).

# of Customers

The number of customers who used the specific tender.

Invoiced Orders

The number of orders for the specific tender.

Weighted # of Customers

Since a customer can use more than one type of tender, a customer is proportioned to the tenders used based on percentage of amount collected for the specific tender.

Weighted # of Invoiced Orders

Since an order can have more than one type of tender, an order is proportioned to the tenders used based on the percentage of the amount collected for the specific tender.

% of Weighted Customers

Percentage of weighted customers.

% of Total

Percentage of money collected.

% of Weighted Orders

Percentage of weighted orders.