The Price Adjustment Dashboard shows detailed information about price adjustments.


The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Price Adjustment Date: specify a range of dates to see information for price adjustments in that period.
  • Seller Name

Data Items

Price Adjustment Details by Currency

This table shows detailed information about price adjustments, organized by currency, seller, and date.




Currency of the order.

Seller Name

Sales Channel (store) name.

Order Date

The date on which the order was placed.

Order ID

Identifier for the order.


Identifier for the order in the Order Management System.

Order Line #

Line number associated with the order.

Price Adjustment Date

The date of the price adjustment.

Charge Category

Category of the price adjustment.

Charge Category Description

Reason for the price adjustment.

Customer Reason Code

Code used to identify the customer’s reason for the price adjustment request.

Customer Reason Short Description

The definition of the Customer Reason for the price adjustment request.

Charge Amount

Dollar amount of the price adjustment.