The SKU Analysis dashboard shows information about individual SKUs that rank in the top 5 of various measures.


The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Order Date: specify a range of dates to view information for orders placed during that period.
  • Seller Name
  • Currency
  • Include Reship
  • Ordering System

Data Items

This dashboard lets you select the number of top SKUs to display and the measure by which SKUs are ranked.

  • In Pick a Rank by Field select a measure for ranking SKUs, then click Apply. The options are Demand Units, Fulfillment Units, Return Units, and Cancel Units.
  • In Enter Rank, type the number of SKUs to list in the charts and tables, then click Apply Rank. You can type any number from 1 to 500.

Top SKUs by Unit Count

This bar chart shows the top SKUs by the measure selected in Pick a Rank by Field, ranked by the number of units.

Top SKUs by Gross Total Amount ($)

This bar chart shows the top SKUs by the measure selected in Pick a Rank by Field, ranked by total monetary value of the units.

Top Performing SKUs

This table shows details for the top SKUs, ranked by the measure selected in Pick a Rank by Field.