Fraud Integration


The Risk Assessment API receives environmental data about an order from the client. The API evaluates the data for fraudulent activity (either systematically or manually by the Radial fraud team) and sends the results to the client via a Webhooks HTTP(S) endpoint or an Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) queue. A response code in the response message represents the action the client order management system (OMS) should take on the order (for example, cancel the order or approve the order and ship the products).

For processing asynchronous messages, Radial supports two flavors of integration: an AMQPS-based integration that uses the pull strategy and an HTTPS-based integration that uses the push strategy. Depending on the needs of your integration, you can choose to use either the push or the pull strategy. The push integration is an event callback (Webhooks) framework that notifies clients when event messages are produced in Radial's internal systems.

Each store implementation can use only one of these integration strategies, push or pull, but not both.

Life Cycle Flow

The following diagram summarizes the integration points for the Risk Assessment API:

  1. The customer submits the final order on the webstore.
  2. The Radial Device Fingerprint Javascript function collects environmental details about the customer's session.
  3. The Device Fingerprint data is sent from the customer's browser to the webstore server.
  4. The webstore server sends the order details and the Device Fingerprint data to the OMS.
  5. The OMS sends a RiskAssessmentRequest to the Risk Assessment API endpoint. The request message includes the Device Fingerprint data and other order details.
  6. The OMS receives a AckReply and the synchronous flow ends here.

  7. The Risk Assessment API evaluates the order for fraud and pushes a RiskAssessmentReply message to the Webhooks endpoint that the client/partner has setup earlier during launch configuration.

  8. Alternately, OMS can choose to pull the message from AMQP. In that scenario, Risk Assessment API evaluates the order for fraud and places a RiskAssessmentReply message on an AMQP queue.

  9. The OMS retrieves the message, processes/persists the message, and sends an acknowledgment to either AMQP Broker or Webhooks endpoint with HTTP status of 200.

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