The Recent Order Activity dashboard summarizes order activity for the current day and for the last 14 days. You can view data summarized by number of orders or by number of units.


The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Seller Name

  • Region

  • Facility Name

  • Order Type

Data Items (Orders)

Click Orders on the top row of the dashboard to see the dashboard's data summarized by number of orders. The following data items are displayed.


The Today section shows information about order activity in the current day.

Orders Interfaced

The number of orders received today.

Click the number to jump to the R02 Order Details report, filtered to show today's orders. The report opens in a new browser tab.

Interfaced Amount shows the monetary value of orders received today.

Orders Shipped

The number of orders shipped today.

Shipped Amount shows the monetary value of orders shipped today.

Orders Cancelled

The number of orders cancelled today.

Cancelled Amount shows the monetary value of orders cancelled today.


The average number of units per order in today's orders.

Total Open Orders

The current number of open orders, orders that have been received but have not yet been shipped or cancelled.

Open Order Amount shows the monetary value of open orders.

Order Activity Trend by Hour

This line and bar graph shows the hour-by-hour trend of order activity today. Orders Interfaced and Orders Shipped are shown as bars graphed against the numerical scale on the left side of the graph. Orders Cancelled is graphed as a line against the numerical scale on the right side of the graph.

To jump to an alternate view of today's order activity, right-click the graph and select Jump to Tabular View. The Current Orders Today view opens in a new browser tab.

Last 14 Days

This section summarizes order activity for the last 14 days.

Orders Interfaced

The number of orders received in the last 14 days.

Interfaced Amount shows the monetary value of the orders.

Orders Shipped

The number of orders shipped in the last 14 days.

Shipped Amount shows the monetary value of the orders.

Orders Cancelled

The number of orders cancelled in the last 14 days.

Cancelled Amount shows the monetary value of the orders.


The average number of units per order in the last 14 days.

Order Activity Trend - Last 14 Days

This line and bar graph shows the day-by-day trend of order activity. Orders Interfaced and Orders Shipped are shown as bars, graphed against the numerical scale on the left side of the graph. Orders Cancelled is graphed as a line against the numerical scale on the right side of the graph.

To jump to an alternate view of 14-day order activity, right-click the graph and select Jump to Tabular View. The Current Orders - Last 14 Days view opens in a new browser tab.

Order Summary by Interfaced Date - Last 14 Days

This table summarizes, by the Interface Date of the order, the current status of orders received in the last 14 days.



Interfaced Date

The date when an order was interfaced in Radial's warehouse management system.

Total Order Count

The total number of orders interfaced on the specified date.

Open Order Count

Of the orders interfaced on the specified date, the number that are currently still open.

Open Order%

The number of open orders expressed as a percentage of the total order count.

Shipped Order Count

Of the orders interfaced on the specified date, the number that have been shipped.

Shipped Order%

The number of shipped orders expressed as a percentage of the total order count.

Cancelled Order Count

Of the orders interfaced on the specified date, the number that have been cancelled.

Cancelled Order%

The number of cancelled orders expressed as a percentage of the total order count.

Waterfall View by Shipped Date - Last 14 Days

This table summarizes, by the Interface Date of the order, the number of orders shipped on each date. The "waterfall" shape of the table's data calls attention to periods when orders took more days than usual to ship.


Data Items (Units)

Click Units on the top row of the dashboard to see the dashboard's data summarized by number of units. The following data items are displayed.


The Today section shows information about order activity in the current day, expressed in numbers of product units.

Units Interfaced

The number of units in orders received today.

Interfaced Amount shows the monetary value of the units.

Units Shipped

The number of units shipped today.

Shipped Amount shows the monetary value of the units.

Units Cancelled

The number of units cancelled today.

Cancelled Amount shows the monetary value of the units.


The average number of units per order in today's orders.

Total Open Units

The current number of open units, units in received orders that have not yet been shipped or cancelled.

Open Unit Amount shows the monetary value of open units.

Order Activity (Units) Trend by Hour

This line and bar graph shows the hour-by-hour trend of order activity today. Units Interfaced and Units Shipped are shown as bars graphed against the numerical scale on the left side of the graph. Units Cancelled is graphed as a line against the numerical scale on the right side of the graph.

To jump to an alternate view of today's order activity, right-click the graph and select Jump to Tabular View. The Current Orders Today view opens in a new browser tab.

Last 14 Days

This section summarizes order activity for the last 14 days, expressed in numbers of product units.

Units Interfaced

The number of units in orders received.

Interfaced Amount shows the monetary value of the units.

Units Shipped

The number of units shipped.

Shipped Amount shows the monetary value of the units.

Units Cancelled

The number of units cancelled.

Cancelled Amount shows the monetary value of the units.


The average number of units per order.

Order Activity (Units) Trend - Last 14 Days

This line and bar graph shows the day-by-day trend of order activity. Units Interfaced and Units Shipped are shown as bars, graphed against the numerical scale on the left side of the graph. Units Cancelled is graphed as a line against the numerical scale on the right side of the graph.

To jump to an alternate view of 14-day order activity, right-click the graph and select Jump to Tabular View. The Current Orders - Last 14 Days view opens in a new browser tab.

Order Summary (Units) by Interfaced Date - Last 14 Days

This table summarizes, by the Interface Date of the order, the current status of units in orders received in the last 14 days.

Waterfall View by Shipped Date (Units) - Last 14 Days

This table summarizes, by the Interface Date of the order, the number of units shipped on each date. The "waterfall" shape of the table's data brings attention to periods when units took more days than usual to ship.

Current Orders Today

To reach the Current Orders Today drill-down view, right-click the Order Activity Trends by Hour graph (in either Orders or Units view) and select Jump to Tabular View. Current Orders Today opens in a new browser window.

Data Items (Orders)

Click Orders on the top row of the dashboard to see the dashboard's data summarized by number of orders. The following data items are displayed.

Orders Interfaced Trend by Hour

This line graph shows today's hourly trend in the number of Single Unit Orders and Multi Unit Orders interfaced.

Orders Shipped Trend by Hour

This line graph shows today's hourly trend in the number of Single Unit Orders and Multi Unit Orders shipped.

Orders Cancelled Trend by Hour

This line graph shows today's hourly trend in the number of Single Unit Orders and Multi Unit Orders cancelled.

Order Summary by Hour

This table shows today's hourly numbers for Orders Interfaced, Units Interfaced, Orders Shipped, Units Shipped, Orders Cancelled, and Units Cancelled.

Data Items (Units)

Click Units on the top row of the dashboard to see the dashboard's data summarized by number of units. The following data items are displayed.

Units Interfaced Trend by Hour

This line graph shows today's hourly trend in the number of units interfaced.

Units Shipped Trend by Hour

This line graph shows today's hourly trend in the number of units shipped.

Units Cancelled Trend by Hour

This line graph shows today's hourly trend in the number of units cancelled.

Order Summary by Hour

This table shows today's hourly numbers for Orders Interfaced, Units Interfaced, Orders Shipped, Units Shipped, Orders Cancelled, and Units Cancelled.

Current Orders Last 14 Days

To reach the Current Orders Last 14 Days drill-down view, right-click the Order Activity Trends - Last 14 Days graph (in either Orders or Units view) and select Jump to Tabular View. Current Orders Last 14 Days opens in a new browser window.

Data Items (Orders)

Click Orders on the top row of the dashboard to see the dashboard's data summarized by number of orders. The following data items are displayed.

Orders Interfaced Trend - Last 14 Days

This line graph shows the daily trend in the number of Single Unit Orders and Multi Unit Orders interfaced.

Orders Shipped Trend - Last 14 Days

This line graph shows the daily trend in the number of Single Unit Orders and Multi Unit Orders shipped.

Orders Cancelled Trend - Last 14 Days

This line graph shows the daily trend in the number of Single Unit Orders and Multi Unit Orders cancelled.

Order Summary by Hour

This table shows the daily numbers for Orders Interfaced, Units Interfaced, Orders Shipped, Units Shipped, Orders Cancelled, and Units Cancelled.

Data Items (Units)

Click Units on the top row of the dashboard to see the dashboard's data summarized by number of units. The following data items are displayed.

Units Interfaced Trend - Last 14 Days

This line graph shows the daily trend in the number of units interfaced.

Units Shipped Trend - Last 14 Days

This line graph shows the daily trend in the number of units shipped.

Units Cancelled Trend - Last 14 Days

This line graph shows the daily trend in the number of units cancelled.

Order Summary by Hour

This table shows the daily numbers for Orders Interfaced, Units Interfaced, Orders Shipped, Units Shipped, Orders Cancelled, and Units Cancelled.