The Open Order Aging dashboard summarizes open orders by age and location.


The filter pane for this dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Interfaced Date: specify a range of dates.
  • Seller Name
  • Facility Name
  • Order Type
  • Campus Name

Data Items

Open Orders

The total number of open orders, based on the dashboard's filter criteria.

Open Units

The total number of open units, based on the dashboard's filter criteria.

Open Order Amount

The total monetary value of open orders, based on the dashboard's filter criteria.

Open Orders by Age (%)

This circle graph shows the overall share of open orders for each age category. The categories are 0 - 48 Hours, 3 - 5 Days, 6 - 7 Days, 8 - 20 Days, and Older than 20+ Days.

Open Order Trend by Interfaced Date

This line graph shows the trend for Open Order Count and Open Unit Count, based on the interfaced date of the order. The most recently interfaced orders are towards the right of the graph.

Open Orders by Age

This table shows the number of open orders in each age category, organized by the year the order was interfaced.

Open Orders by Campus

This stacked bar chart shows the share of open orders for each fulfillment campus. The bars are broken down by age category of the open orders.

Open Order Summary by Interface Date

This table summarizes open orders by campus and year.

You can select one or more order age categories. To select order age categories, click the button to the right of Select Order Age and select one or more check boxes in the popup menu.

Most of this table's cells are drillable. Click any cell with numeric or currency data to jump to the Open Order Details dashboard for a deeper look at the table row's data. The target dashboard opens in a new browser window. To return to the main Open Order Aging Dashboard, close the window for the second-level dashboard.

Additional hidden columns are available to display in this table. For instructions, see Hide and Show Table Columns. In the default view, the columns listed below are displayed.



Campus Name

The name of the campus, a location containing one or more fulfillment facilities.

Facility Name

The name of the fulfillment facility.

[Year] Total Open Orders

The number of open orders with interface dates in the specified year.

[Year] Total Open Units

The number of units in the open orders for the specified year.

[Year] Open Order Amount

The monetary value of open orders for the specified year.

Total Open Orders

The total number of open orders for the client and campus.

Total Open Units

The number of units in all open orders for the client and campus.

Open Order Amount

The monetary value of all open orders for the client and campus.


Open Order by Interface Date

Open Order by Interface Date is a second-level dashboard. You can reach it by clicking numeric values in any of several columns in the Open Order Summary by Interface Date table. The details dashboard opens in a new browser tab. To return to the main Open Order Aging dashboard, close the tab for the second-level dashboard.

The filter pane for the detail dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Seller Name

  • Facility Name

  • Order Age: select one or more age categories. The categories are 0 - 48 Hours, 3 - 5 Days, 6 - 7 Days, 8 - 20 Days, and Older than 20+ Days.

  • Campus Name

The Open Orders Details table summarizes open orders by campus and interface date.

Additional hidden columns are available to display in this table. For instructions, see Hide and Show Table Columns. In the default view, the columns listed below are displayed.



Campus Name

The name of the campus, a location containing one or more fulfillment facilities.

Seller Name

The name of the seller or sub-client, as set up in the order management system.

[Date] Total Open Orders

The number of open orders with interface dates in the specified date.

[Date] Total Open Units

The number of units in the open orders for the specified date.

[Date] Open Order Amount

The monetary value of open orders for the specified date.


Open Order Details

Open Order Details is a second-level dashboard. To reach this dashboard:

  1. In the main Open Order Aging dashboard, right-click the Open Orders by Age (%) pie chart or the Open Order Trend by Interfaced Date line graph.

  2. In the pop-up menu, select Jump to Open Order Details.

The details dashboard opens in a new browser tab. To return to the main Open Order Aging dashboard, close the tab for the second-level dashboard.

The filter pane for the detail dashboard includes the following filters.

  • Seller Name

  • Facility Name

  • Order Line Status

  • Client Web Order Number: enter specific webstore order numbers to retrieve data just for those orders.

  • Client Web Order Number (Alternative): enter specific alternative webstore order numbers to retrieve data just for those orders.

  • OMS Order Release Number: enter specific OMS order numbers to retrieve data just for those orders.

  • Item UPC

  • Vendor Item Number

  • Carrier

  • Carrier Service

  • Order Age: select one or more age categories. The categories are 0 - 48 Hours, 3 - 5 Days, 6 - 7 Days, 8 - 20 Days, and Older than 20+ Days.

The Open Order Details table provides detailed information for each order that meets the filter criteria. The table is organized by client, seller, facility, and date.



Seller ID

A unique identifier for the seller or sub-client, as set up in the order management system. Usually a seller corresponds to one sales channel, for example, a webstore serving a particular geographic region operating under a particular name.

Seller Name

The name of the seller or sub-client, as set up in the order management system.

Facility ID

Unique identifier for the warehouse or distribution center.

Facility Name

Name of the warehouse or distribution center.

Client Web Order Number

Order ID assigned by the website to the order record.

Client Web Order Number (Alternative)

An alternative order ID assigned by the website to the order record.

OMS Order Release Number

Order ID assigned by the order management system (OMS) to the order record.

Web Order Date

The Order Date on the order header. Typically, this is when the order was taken in the webstore.

Interfaced Date & Time

The date and time value when the order was interfaced in Radial's warehouse management system. In most cases, this date and time value marks the start of Radial's service level clocks.

Shipped Date & Time

The date and time value in Radial's warehouse management system indicating when then order was shipped. In most cases, this date and time value marks the stop time for Radial service level clocks.

Cancelled Date & Time

The date and time value in the warehouse management system when the order was cancelled.

Cancel Reason

If an order is cancelled, the reason why the order was cancelled.


The carrier by which the order was shipped. Examples: UPS, FedEx.


The carrier service by which the order was shipped. Examples: Next Day, Ground.

Service Group

The category of carrier service.

Shipping Zipcode

Destination postal code for the shipped order.

Shipping State

Destination state for the shipped order.

Shipping Country

Destination country for the shipped order.

Order Status

The status of the order, as recorded in the warehouse management system.

Line Status

The status of the order line, as recorded in the warehouse management system.

Days Old (Day in Warehouse)

How many days an order took to ship. This value is calculated as (Order Shipped Date - Order Interface Date).

Order Type

This indicates the type of order. This attribute can be used in the warehouse management system for different processes, or by clients to categorize their orders.


The line number of the order line.

Item Number

A unique identifier for the item. Typically, Radial-assigned catalog ID followed by client-assigned SKU number for the item.

Customer Item Number

The client's unique identifier for the item.

Item UPC

Universal Product Code, a manufacturer-assigned number that corresponds to a barcode for the item.

Item Description

A text description of the item or SKU.

Ordered Units

The number of units ordered by the client on an order line

Shipped Units

The number of units shipped by Radial on an order line

Open Units

The number of units on the order line that remain open.

Merchandise Amount

The total line value that was shipped on an order line. If units are cancelled on an order line, the value for those cancelled units are not included in this amount.

Original Order Amount

The total line value that was ordered on an order line. If units are cancelled on an order line, the value for those units are still included in this amount.


The total line level discount that is applied on the order line


The total line level tax that is applied on the order line

Total Charged

This field is calculated as (Total Due = Merchandise Amount - Discount + Tax).