For an introduction to this report, see the training video: Video: Order Detail Navigation.


The filter pane for this report includes the following filters.

  • Activity Date: specify a range of dates. Information is available only for the last 60 days.
  • Record Type Description: select the types of order records to display. The default is Demand orders. Other values are Cancel, Fulfill, and Return.
  • Seller Name
  • Fulfillment Location
  • Order ID: enter specific order IDs to see information just for those orders.
  • OMS ID: enter specific OMS order IDs to see information just for those orders.
  • SKU Name: enter specific SKUs to see information just for orders that included those SKUs.
  • View Consolidation Only: the default is No. Uncheck No to see only consolidation orders.
  • Include Reship: select Non-Reship, Reship, or both.
  • Zero Cost Flag
  • Customer Return Reason

Data Elements

The Order Detail Report includes detailed information about each order and line item in the selected time period. Order, item, cost, and shipping information is included.

Additional hidden columns are available to display in this report. For instructions, see Hide and Show Table Columns. In the default view, the columns listed below are displayed.



Sales Channel

The sales channel (store) name.

Fulfillment Location

The fulfillment location handling the order.

Order Date

The date the order was placed.

Activity Date

The date of the latest change to the order record.

Fulfillment Location Type Description

A code for the type of fulfillment location handling the order.

Fulfillment Type Description

The type of store fulfillment for the order.


Identifier for the order in the Order Management System.

Order ID

Identifier for the order.

SKU Name

The SKU identifies the item in the store's inventory.

Style ID

An identifier for the item style.

Record Type Description

The type of order record. Demand, Fulfill, Cancel, or Return.

Demand Scac

Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) is a unique two-to-four-letter code used to identify transportation companies.

Ordering System

The Radial order entry service responsible for processing the order.

Demand Units

Total quantity of items across orders that were placed on the specified date.

Fulfill Units

Total quantity of items across orders that were shipped on the specified date.

Cancel Units

Total number of cancelled items within the order.

Return Units

Total number of returned items within the order.